
发布 2020-09-21 00:07:28 阅读 9453


1. bag lo_ _irl

2. would _eat

3. these sw_ _t t_ _cher

4. tiger l _ ke m_

5. cat mon_ey _ute


1. horses(单数2. cute(近义词)__

3. i(物主代词4. do not(缩写形式)__

5. these(对应词6. dog(复数)__

7. they(单数8. i’d(完整形式)__

9. big(反义词10. girl(对应词。


1. bag dog2. hamburger get

3. girl good4. panda pie

5. tiger horse6. cat cute( )


1看)this cat.

2. look at these toy animalsit be)cute.

3. do you喜欢猴子)?

you like pandas否定回答)

5. would you like a pie肯定回答)

6. i __有)a cake here.

7. would you like __a)egg?

8. a monkey is __the tree.

9. do you __喜欢)tigers? yes, i do.

10. would you like __一只) elephant?

at那些)toy animals. they’re cute.

12. look! the cat is very胖的).


14. look __看) these toy dogs.

15. do you like __lion)? no, ido).

16. i like __panda).


)1. do you like cakesa. it’s time for bed

) would you likeb. thanks.

) you like a piec. i’d like a toy panda.

) at my dogd. no, i don’t

) this a monkeye. it’s a toy monkey.

) do you likef. yes, it is.

) nine o’clockg. yes, please.

) colour is the pandah. it’s cute.

) you arei. black and white.

) is thatj. i like monkeys.


1. look at thiscat / cats). it's lovely.

2. this is ai likecow / cows)

3. you like dogs? no, ido / don't)

4. look atthat / those) pictures.

5. i likedo you likepanda / pandas)


1. like you do tigers (?

2. would like a you pie bobby(?)

3. like this i dog toy

4. at that fat look dog

5. cute are fat these and pandas (.


miss li: good morning, boys and girls.

b&g: good morning, miss li.

miss li: look at these toy animals. do you like tigers, su hai?

su hai: yes, i do. i like pandas too. they’re cute.

miss li: what about you, mike? do you like tigers?

mike: no, i don’t. i like monkeys. do you like monkeys, miss li?

miss li: no, i don’t. i like cats and horses.

) 1. su hai likes tigers and pandas.

) likes horses.

) li likes monkeys and cats.

) pandas are cute.



二、翻译。1. 看着2. 玩具动物。

3. 孩子们4. 喜欢马。

5. 喜欢猫和狗6. 又胖又可爱。

7. 两只玩具老虎8. 十二只熊猫。

9. 想要10. 有一头大象。

11. on the log12. on the mat

13. run with me14. how many


1. 看这些孩子们lookand __

2. 这些是玩具狮子thesetoy


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