
发布 2022-07-22 12:09:28 阅读 5010

unit 2 look at me!

词汇:head头face脸nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm胳膊 hand手

finger手指leg腿 foot脚 body身体 good好的 morning上午 this这,这个

meet见面 let’s = let us让我们go 去ok对,好 to 给,对mom(口语)妈妈

nice好的afternoon下午 too也,太。

句型:nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too. where is your mouth?

here it is! let’s go to school! ok!


)1、a、am b、is c、are d、your

)2、a、pen b、bag c、pencil d、name

)3、a、eye b、nose c、 ear d、body

)4、a、hello b、bye c、 hi d、good

)5、a、school b、hand c、finger d、foot


is is my___

is is my___

is my___

三、 给下列单词选择恰当的汉语意思,写在题前括号内。

a.钢笔 b.书 c.橡皮 d.尺子 e.书包。

( )bag ( ruler ( pen ( eraser ( book


close your eyes摸**的耳朵。

touch the ear张开你的嘴。

snap your fingers拍拍你的手。

open your mouth打响你的手指。

clap your hands闭上你的眼睛。

stamp your foot交叉你的腿。

shake your body挥挥你的手臂。

cross your legs抖动你的身体。

w**e your arms跺跺你的脚。

open your book打开你的书。


) 1、下午见到你的老师,你会这样问候他:

a、nice to meet you ! b、welcome! c、good afternoon, teacher!


a、mom, this is jim. b、mom, he is jim. c、mom, it is jim.

( )3、别人问你的铅笔在哪儿,你说在这儿。用英语表达为:

a、good idea. b、here it is c、where is.

( )4、别人帮助了你,你应该怎样感谢:

a、hellob、yes, it is. c、thank you !

) 5、你约朋友一块儿去学校,这样表达:

a、let me go to school. b、let’s go to school. c、let’s go school.

)6、--what’s your namea. i’m mike.

)7、--i h**e a pencil .—mea. to

)10、 what’s __namea. you b. your


1、good afternoon, miss white. 2、this is mike.

3、show me your sharpener4、touch your foot.

5、this is my face6、what's your name

7、good 's go to school.

9、nice to meet is my friend.


( )to meet morning.

( )s your to meet you,too.

( )is

( )s go to to meet you.


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