
发布 2022-07-06 14:59:28 阅读 9686




1. classroom2. computer room

3. art room4. dinning hall

5.大厅6. **室。

7.图书馆8. 操场。

9. h**e a look10. swimming pool __


1. h _ ppy高兴的,开心的 2. ribb _ n 丝带。

3. a _ t room 美术室4. dinning h _ ll食堂,饭厅。

5. c _ mp _ ter r _ m 电脑室 6. m _ sic **。

7. l _ br _ ry图书馆8. cl _ ss _ oom教室。

9.p _ zza比萨饼10. sch _ l 学校。


this is myfour windows.

there is anschool.

what’s inart room.

may iyour classroom?

there areh**e a cake?


1. what’s in your school? 2. what’s __your school?

is there __music roomis __a library?

yes, thereno


) 1. 到了商场,你想买四个梨子,你应说:

a. can you help me? b. may i h**e four pears, please?

) 2. 你想知道你的同学多大了,你应该问:

a. how old are youb. how are you?

) 3. 你想知道别人的书包里有什么东西,你会问:

a. what’s thisb. what’s in your school bag?

) 4. 你想知道你的同学是怎样来学校的,你会问:

a. how do you dob. how do you come to school?


1. is there an art room2. is there a

yes, thereyesis.

3. _there a4. is __a classroom?

there isno

5. isa6. is there a




1. -look, this is my学校).

---is there a图书馆).

---no, there isn’t. but there is a阅览室).

2. -welcome to our school. this is our教室).

---it is big. is there a**室)?

---yes, there is.

3. -come and h**e a look at the picture. this is our __操场).

---is there a classroom?

---no, there isn’t. it’s a礼堂).

4. -do you h**e a电脑室) in your school?

---yes, we h**e. do you h**e one?

---no, we don’t.

5. -your father can画画) very well, i know.

---yes. he has an画室) in our house.




2) 根据**,用下列词完成句子。

paint study play darw classroom artroom playground

1).what do you do

weandin the

2).what do you do

wein the

3).what do you do

wein the

一十、 请你勾出不同类的单词。

1. a. father b. mother c. brother d. dining hall

2. a. paint b. tall c. study d. do

3. a. tall b. short c. library d. thin

4. a. play b. red c. yellow d. white

drink b. sing c. ond. dance


1. 你想知道对方书包里有什么东西,应问:

a.what can you seeb. what’s in your school bag?

2. 你想知道别人怎样来学校的,应问:

a. how do you come to school? b. how old are you?

3. 班长告诉你,教室里有十张桌子。

a. there are ten desksb. there is a drink.

4, 我们在图书馆读书。

a, we read in the libraryb, we sing in the music room.

5, what do you do in the dining hall?

a, we eat and drinkb, let’s eat and drink.


一 下面的字母,小朋友都非常熟悉,那请你找出他们的邻居。1 i 2.n 3.s 4.e 5.y 6.r 二 请小朋友把上面的图和下面的单词连线。三 仔细看下面的单词,有些字母跑去玩了,你能把他们找回来吗,找一找,并把他们填在正确的横线上。1.h ppy高兴的,开心的 2.ribb n 丝带。3,si...


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