
发布 2022-06-25 12:41:28 阅读 3032


1. this is __reading-room.

a. the teacher’s b. teacher’s c. teacher’s d. the teachers’


2. nothing was found but __broken.

a. the room window b. the room’s window

c. the room of the window d. the window of room



3. how many __would you like?

a. ***** b. bread c. pieces of *****s d. pieces of bread

4. he was praised for his __

a. br**e b. br**ery c. br**ely d. great br**e

解析:根据句义,这里应该要填勇敢的名词形式,选b. a是形容词,c是副词。

5. please get me a new __when you go to town.

a. clothes b. dress c. clothing d. trousers

6. there are 34 __doctors in the hospital.

a. woman b. women c. woman’s d. women’s

7. some __are even thinner than your little finger.

a. bamboo b. bamboos c. kinds of bamboo d. kinds of bamboos

解析:句义是几根竹子甚至比你的小手指还要细(明显是几根竹子,不是几种竹子)。做确定的竹子的根数讲时不可数; 比如几根竹子,此时不能用复数形式;

做竹子的种类讲时,可数;比如好多种竹子,此时用复数形式; 所以选c.类似fish的用法。

8. he was born in this town and now he lives in __

a. building second b. building two c. the building two d. building the second

解析:二号楼的表达就是building two.这里的building two.不是什么专有名词所以不用加the.

9. old as he is, he has __to do every day.

a. a lot of work b. much works c. lots of homeworks d. quite a lot of homeworks

10. jack’s room is furnished with __

a. new furnitures b. many new furnitures

c. many new pieces of furnitures d. many new pieces of furniture


11. h**e you read __news***** yet?

a. today’s b. today c. the today’s d. your today’s

12. it’s not far, only __walk from here to our school.

a. a ten minutes b. ten minutes c. a ten minutes’ d. ten minutes’

13. last month, he wrote me __letter.

a. a 1000-word b. 1000 words c. a 1000-words d. 1000 words’


14. he had a __sleep yesterday.

a. a good night b. a good-night c. a good night’s d. good-night’s


15. _is not a long way to drive.

a. three miles distance b. three-mile distance

c. three miles’ distance d. a three-mile-distance

16. his isn’t fit for the work. please get me __

a. something else b. somebody else c. someone else’s d. somebody’s else


17. do you know how large __is?

a. population of china b. chinese population

c. china population d. china’s population


18. _is too much for the boy to carry.

a. the box weight b. the box’s weight

c. the weight of the box d. the box of the weight

19. excuse me, how can i get to the nearest __shop?

a. shoes b. shoe c. shoes’ d. shoe’s


20. what __weather we’re h**ing these days!

a. nice b. a nice c. a bad d. worse


21. they say that the meeting will be __

a. of very important b. great importance c. of great importance d. great important


22. i’m going to call at __this evening.

a. mr black b. the blacks c. mr black’s d. blacks’


23. what darwin said was an attack on people’s religious __


a. belief b. beliefs c. believs d. believes

24. there are some __waiting for you outside.

a. german b. american c. grown-up d. japanese

25. their factory has developed a kind of __to help people walk.

a. machine b. machines c. a machine d. the machine

解析:a kind of 后面加单数,表示的是同一类型的物品中的一种,强调个体。


26. they're many __in my brother’s album.

a. leafs b. toys c. books d. stamps


27. yesterday i went to the supermarket and bought a lot of __

a. tomatoes b. potatos c. vegetable d. meats


28. upon hearing what i said, his __rose.

a. anger b. angry c. angrily d. angriness


29. excuse me, can you change this __for me?

a. five-pound note b. five pounds note c. five-pound notes d. five pounds notes

30. you h**e to make __for your journey

a. preparing b. preparation c. a preparation d. preparations


31. while washing up, she broke a __

a. glass wine b. wine glass c. glass of wine d. wine of glass


32. you h**e worked out the plan and now we must put it into __


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