
发布 2022-05-16 05:58:28 阅读 6694



miss / mr/ mrs三者的区别:

miss 英 [ms] n. 小姐;小女学生;小妞;小姑娘。

mr 英 ['mst(r)] mister 先生。

mrs 英 ['msz] n. 太太;夫人;置于地方、运动、职业等名称之前,用来称呼公认是这事物的代表的已婚妇女。

例句]is bus tr**el fast or slow?


例句]flying a car to hogwarts!


例句]chrysler even produced a commemorative version of its jeep.




person是个体名词,它泛指man,woman或child中的任何一个,其复数形式是persons,但人们习惯用 people代替persons。 “一个人”常译作a person,而需要说明一个人的性别时,要用a man 或 a woman来表示。如:

who is the youngest person in your class? 你们班里年龄最小的人是谁?

people作“人”讲时,是集合名词,表复数概念。说“一个人”时,不用people。当表示两个以上的人时,可用people。如:twenty people二十个人。

people作“民族”解时,有单、复数之分。如:a people一个民族。there are 56 peoples in china. 中国有56个民族。


1) like+sb./sth.意为“喜欢某人/某物”

do you like rice/hot dog/vegetables?你喜欢米饭/热狗/蔬菜吗?

yes,i do./no, i don’t.是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。

the teacher likes his students.老师喜欢他的学生。

2) like to do(sth)意为“喜欢做(某事)”。

they like to eat different kinds of food.他们喜欢吃不同种类的食品。

she likes to go swimming this afternoon.今天下午,她想去游泳。

3) like doing (sth.)意为“喜欢做(某事)”。

i like watching tv.我喜欢看电视。

she likes reading.她喜欢阅读。

4) like do (sth)意为“想要某人做(某事)”,该句型中sb.作宾语,不定式to do(sth.)作宾语补足语。

mother likes me to get up early.妈妈想让我早起。

5) like to do 和like doing:两个短语无大区别,可以互换使用。但like doing 泛指“喜欢做某事”;like to do 特指“喜欢做某事”,着重指具体行为。

i like playing football,but i like to play basketball today.


6) like 作介词,意为“像……”在句中一般作状语或表语。

uncle wang makes a machine like a bike and a plane.


don’t do it like that.别像那样做。

例句]do you and your wife like swimming?


例句]but they can 't swim well.



1、merry christmas ! the same to you .

2、how are you ? fine thank you .

3、what’s on the wall? i can see two birds.

4、——what ‘s in the desk? -a a bag.

5、when do you h**e ehglish. we h**e it on tuesday and thursday.

6、why do you like science? it’s boring.

7、is there a study in your home? yes,there is.

8、——what‘s c job? —she’s a nurse.

a. his

9、——how b your father? —he’s ok.

10、what c the students doing in the classroom?


nice to meet you.

12、my brother wants b chess with me.

a、play play

brother likes walking his dog.

b the tv.

your father’sjob?

he’s an engineer.




3、(a) ]


6、(c)7、lunch cook[u] saturday[i] study[i]

8、is not→isn’t are not→aren’t


1、what class do you like?

i like english. it’s interesting. we like math.

2、dou you like art?yes ,i like. yes,i do. no,i don’t.


1、what colour b your

2、tom and i c going to the zoo on thursday.

3b !—thanks.

good time! a good time! good time!

4、where b the children?

5、i can c the

6、binbin is going to play b ping-pong.

b./in the garage?(a)

is a car in a a car.

are you going to do tomorrow?(c)

am going to play soccer.

b,we are going to play soccer.

brown and peter are a a kite.

10.——b in the bedroom?—there’s a bed and a desk.

go . swimming

are three windows the wall.

13.——what‘s on the table?

——it’s a cup of tea.

put the green book on the right desk.(c)




h**e english on tuesday and thursday.(变为否定句)

小学英语三年级 下 易错点归纳

小学英语三年级 下 易错点归纳。班别 姓名。1 发音相似或拼写相似的单词归纳。请尝试拼读!1 red bed black 2 cat hat fat 3 dog doll 4 green great 5 tall ball6 near here ear 7 grape great 8 behind ...


一 我会拼,我会写,考试考试我不怕。10分 s n b ji o ju n k o ch xi ng p ji o n n sh y n b lu m f ng g i ku b i f ng 二 用 选择正确的读音。鞠 j j 躬笔陡 du d u 钥匙 shi sh 发颤 ch n zh n 歇...


三年级英语期中测验试卷。测试时间 35分钟,满分100分 镇学校班别姓名。题号得分。一。二。三。四。五。六。七。总分。一 下列每组四个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它三个不同类的单词,把它们的字母编号写在左边的括号中。10分 1 a red b leg c black 2 a show b to...