
发布 2020-03-09 05:03:28 阅读 8396


1. down pie2. green great3. red and (

4. parrot grandpa ( 5. ball big6. ruler brother (


1. 在那边2. 在门后。

3. 在窗边4. 听我的。

5. 坐下6. 看黑板。

7 关门8. 打开你的文具盒。

9. 在课上吃10. 在图书馆叫。

10. 喝我的牛奶12. 在椅子下。

13. all her friends14. walk up and down

eat here16. here you are

17. fly we go


( )1. a. mrb. mrsc. miss

( )2. a: yesb: noc: not

( )3. a. sitb: downc: stand

( )4. a: beside b: nicec: happy

( )5. a: behindb: underc: old

( )6. a: miss lib: yang ling c: mike

( )7. a: myb: ic: your

( )9. a: hereb:wherec: what

( )10. a: rulerb: bookc: pie


)1. what’sover there ?

a. the

)2. this is __english book.

a. my

)3. is that your pencil case

a. yes, she is . b. yes, he is . c. yes, it is.

)4. what colour is it

a. it’s a jacket. b. it’s ok. c. it’s blue.

) tao is __the door.

a. onb. under c. behind

)6.--don’t listen __sam, bobbyok.

ab. forc. to

) yang lingbehind the door.

a. she’sb. she’s c. she

)8.__shout in the library

a. don’tb. please c. not

) run __please.

a. thereb. threec. where

) cake is __you.

a. onb. toc. for

) 11. -lookthe blackboard , mikeyes , miss li.

a. atb. onc./

) 12. -what’s thisit’s

a. doorb. a doorc. an door

) 13.--please close the window

a. thank you. b. yes, mr green. c. i’m sorry.

) 14.--the rubber is for you, mike

a. goodbyeb. thank youc. ok.


)1. 外面开始刮大风了,妈妈请你关上窗户后,她会说:

a. thank youb. close the window.

)2. 体育课后,你找不到你的t恤了,你说:

a. where’s my t-shirt? b. where’s your t-shirt

)3. 你想告诉别人那不是你的书包,你会说:

a. that’s my schoolbag. b. that isn’t my schoolbag.


a. no, thank youb. i’m sorry.

)5. 你想告诉别人小鸟飞到了树上,可以说:

a. the bird is in the tree. b. it’s a bird.

)6. 夸赞别人的东西好看,别人会说:

a: how beautifulb: thank you.

)7. 你想告诉别人它不是你的尺子,你可以说:

a: it’s not my rulerb: this isn’t my ruler.

)8. 你告诉妈妈你想要去睡觉,你可以说:

a: i want to sleepb: i want to talk.


a. open the window, please. b. open the door ,please.


a. yes ,mr greenb. i’m sorry, miss li.


a. okb. yes,please.


a. it’s a rubberb. what’s this ?


a. open the doorb. don’t open the door.


a: open the door, please. b. close the door, please.

c. thank you.


a. close the windowb. open the window.


a. close the door. b. thank you. c. yes, d**id


a. stand upb. sit down.


a. come in, pleaseb. i’m sorry, miss li.


) colour is the windowa. sit down,please.


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