小学英语三年级 下 易错点归纳

发布 2022-11-26 07:03:28 阅读 6802




1) red bed black (2) cat hat fat (3) dog doll

4) green great (5) tall ball6) near here ear

7) grape great (8) behind beside (9) like bike

10) rubber robot (11) these those (12) photo picture

13) book look (14) mouse mice (15) feet meet

16) big pig17) horse, mouse, house


1、what colour, what colour 问颜色。回答要有颜色词。

如:(1)a: what colour is the car?

b: it’s blue.

(2)a: what colour do you like?

b: i like red.

2、提出建议做某事 let’s ..回答yes. /ok. /great./ good idea.

如: a: let’s go to play! b: good idea./ ok. /great.

3、where, where 问地点,回答要有in, on, under, behind, beside等方位介词。

如: a: where is my car? b: it’s in the box.


4、how old, how old 问年龄,回答要有岁数(数字)。

如: (1)a: how old are you?

b: i am ten。

(2) a: how old is he?

b: he is nine.

5、问别人要**号码 may i h**e your telephone number?

回答 yes. /ok. it’s +**号码。

如: a: may i h**e your telephone number? b: yes, it’s 8729046.

6、问别人要**号码也可以用 what’s your telephone number?

回答it’s +**号码。

7、提出请求想要吃。东西:may/can i h**e ..

回答:yes, of course.等。

如: (1)a: may i h**e some grapes?

b: of course.

2) a: can i h**e some apples?

b: yes, here you are.

8、 who问是谁,男用he, 女用she.

如:(1)a: who is the man?

b: he is my father.

(2)a: who is the lady?

b: she is my aunt.

(3)a : who are they?

b: they are my father and mother.


9、how many, how many 问数量,回答要有数字。

如:(1)a: how many people are there in your family?

b: there are five.

2)a: how many dogs are there in the box?

b: there is one.

10、 whose, whose 问谁的。回答要有人名+’s.

如: (1)a: whose dog is this?

b: it’s my brother’s.

2)a: whose rabbits are these?

b :they are my cousin’s.

11、is问is答, do问do答,如: (1)a: do you h**e a kite?

b; yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

2)a: is it under the desk?

b: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.

12、is there问,there is 回答。 are there 问,there are回答。

如:(1)a: is there a cat in your shop?

b: yes, there is.

(2)a: are there any cats in your shop?

b: yes, there are.

13、当别人说 happy birthday! 你要礼貌回答 thank you.

如: a: happy birthday to you! b: thank you.



1、some 和 any的区分。


如: i h**e some apples. (肯定句)

do you h**e any grapes? i don’t h**e any dolls.(疑问句和否定句)

can i h**e some apples?(请求问句)

2、there is 和 there are 的区分。

there is后加单数,there are 后面加复数。但是要注意“靠近原则”。

如:there is a cat on the desk.

there are some cats on the desk.

there is a cat and some dogs in the box.

3、h**e和 has 的区分。

口诀:i h**e, you h**e, we h**e, they h**e. 复数+ h**e.

he has, she has, it has, 单数+has.

4、these 和this 的区别。

these “这些” 后接复数, this “这个” 后接单数。

如:these rabbits are white.

this rabbit is white.



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