
发布 2022-05-16 04:25:28 阅读 8897

lesson 12 read

we are going shopping, ann .stay at home until we come back.我们要去购物了,ann。

呆在家里等我们回来。it’s sunday morning.星期天的早上。

mr and mrs green are going out .their daughter ann is saying goodbyeto them.格林先生和格林太太要出门了。

他们的女儿安在给他们道别。tomorrow is mr smith’s birthday .he likes music very much.

明天就是史密斯先生的生日了。他很喜欢**。let’s buy him some cds, ok?


mr and mrs green are talking .a thief is listening.

格林先生和格林太太在谈话。一个贼听到了他们的谈话。ann has a little dog .

she likes it very much .now she’s playing with it.安有一只小狗。

她非常喜欢它。现在她正在和它玩。who’s it?


it’s me. mr smith.是我,史密斯先生。

the thief is knocking at the door.那个贼在敲门。mr smith?


please open the door. your father wants me to take his bag for him.请打开门吧。

你的爸爸让我把包拿给他。the thief wants to come into the room.那个贼想要进到房间里。

is he really mr smith? let me look…他真的是史密斯先生吗?让我看一下…..

ann doesn’t believe the man. she wants to find out.安不相信这个人。


my father’s bag is here. but are you really mr smith?爸爸的包在这里。但你真的是史密斯先生吗?

of course .and i know you are ann.我当然是了。

我知道你是安。the thief says he is really mr smith. and he knows ann’s name.

那个贼说他真的是史密斯先生。并且他说出了安的名字。yes, i’mann.

but do you know my father’s name?是的,我是安。但你知道我爸爸的名字吗?

your father is…oh,i…i…你的爸爸是……哦,我,我……but the thief doesn’t know her father’s name.但是这个贼并不知道她爸爸的名字。

my father is mr smith’s good friend. but you don’t know his name. youare not mr smith.


i will call the police.我要打**报警了。oh, no.哦,千万别。

now ann knows the man isn’t mr smith. and he has to go away.现在安知道了这个男人并不是史密斯先生。他要逃跑了。


小学英语学习材料。金戈铁骑整理制作。九年义务教育小学三年级上册。2012 2013学年度 英。语。教。案。宋庄小学陈静。2012 2013学年度三年级英语上册教学进度计划。一 学生情况分析。三年级一班共有学生名,其中男生名,女生名。这些学生大部分聪明活泼 勤奋好学,基本上都未曾接触过英语,他们对英语...


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