
发布 2022-05-16 04:24:28 阅读 2013




)1、a . monday b . village c . wednesday d . tuesday

)2、a . overb . onc . oldd . under

)3、a . bathroom b . kitchen c . living room d . closet

)4、a . roadb . sweetc . freshd . strict

)5、a . flowerb . grassc . treed . cabbage


ab:curtain 健康的cook the meals 在……前面。

healthy 窗帘in front of扫地。

quiet 文静的sweep the floor 垃圾箱。

eggplant 森林trash bin做作业。

forest 茄子do homework做饭。


)1.— your father like? —he’s strong.

a. whatb. whoc. what’sd. where

)2.— what’s your f**ourite __yellow.

a. foodb. dayc. colourd. fruit

)3. —are there __flowers in your school? —yes, there are __

a. some; someb. some; any c. any; somed. any; some

)4. this is a picture __my family.

a. ofb. atc. ind. on

)5. therea pencil and two pens in my pencil -case.

a. areb. bec. isd. h**e

)6. —can you put away the clothesi’m helpful

a. yes, i amb. no, i ‘m not c. yes, i can d. no, i can’t

)7. —are there any tall buildings in your village

a. yes, they are. b.

no, they aren’t. c. yes, there aren’t.

d. no, there aren’t.

)8. li lei can play __chess

ab. ac. thed. an

)9. —what do you h**e for lunch today ?

i h**e

and potato and tofus and cabbage and tomato

) don’t like grapes .they 're___

a. tastyb. sourc. sweetd. salty


1. often, books, read, on, i, saturday (.

2. your, f**ourite, what’s, fruit (?

3. park, is, a, there, my, near, home (.

4. you, set, can, table, the (?

5. bedroom, what, in, your, is, new (?


) can you doa. i’d like some tomatoes and mutton.

)2. who’s the young manb. i can empty the trash.

)3. where is the sofac. it’s in the living room.

)4. is there a mountain near the village? d. he’s our new math teacher.

) would you like for there is.

第六关:能说会道。选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 并将字母编号填在横线上,有两项多余。(每句2分,共10分。)

a:1b: i h**e three new teachers.

a: 2b: an english teacher, a music teacher and a computer teacher.

a: is your music teacher smart?

b: 3a: what can she do ?

b: 4a: what’s her f**ourite fruit?


樟树市2013 2014学年 上 期末质量检测试卷。五年级语文。一 看拼音,写词语。8分 ch yk d u r u cuqi o cu ch n f f n ff mn h n 二 把词语补充完整。8分 专心冲直胸 足 钉 铁机 算次 比。牵梦坐以。三 查字典。4分 1 崇 按部首查字法应先查 部...

5年级语文期末试卷 答案

一 诧异裤兜揉搓憔悴惩罚吩咐抚摩呐喊 二 专心致志横冲直撞捶胸顿足斩钉截铁神机妙算鳞次栉比魂牵梦绕坐以待毙。三 1 山 8 c ch ng 横钩 2 四 1 只有 才 2 宁可 也不3 即使 也 4 不是 而是 五 1 排比 2 设问 3 比喻 4 反问。六 1 中国的汉字像天上的云朵一样生发出无究...


五年级数学期末试测。亲爱的同学 这份检测题将再次记录下你的智慧和收获,请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题。预祝你取得好成绩!一 认真思考,填补空白。每空1分,共22分 1 如果x 15 40,那么x xx x 2 非0自然数a b 5,则a b的最大公因数是 最小公倍数是 3 的分数单位是 再添上 个这...