
发布 2022-05-15 19:28:28 阅读 6315





)1there is a hole in the ice.

)2. i can’t push you. you are

)3they are afraid.

)4. there is a music room __the classrooms.

)5. wang bing sitsmike.


)1. nancy’s classroom is on __floor.

a. oneb. firstc. the first

) 2. there __any orange juice on the table.

a. isb. arec. isn’t

( )3. a beautiful coat!

a. howb. whoc. what

) 4. are there __music rooms in your school? yes, there are __

a. some/any b. any /some c. any/any

) 5. _tina find his cousin? no, he can’t.

a. canb. doesc. do

( )6. i h**e two animals. _is a parrot andis a dog.

a. one, other b. one, second c. one, the other

( )7. the fish h**e___legs __arms.

a. not, andb. not, orc. no, or

)8. mike likes __football and he can___football well.

a. playing, play b. play, play c. playing, playing

)9. what __your friends like __

a. do, dob. does, do doing

)10. you can see __in china.

a. polar bears b. pandasc. bald eagles


1. hereare/is) some coffee.

2. she has a lot ofhobby/hobbies)

3. can you showshe/her) around?

4. let her godance/dancing) this afternoon!

6. does heh**e/has) a dog? no, heh**e/has) a cat.

5. mary ison/in) the swing.

7. can the girl singgood/well)?

8. the twinsboth/all) like films.

9. monday is thetwo/second) day of a week.


ab( )1. what does nancy h**ea. yes, she does.

)2. where is your classroomb. good idea.

( )3. does she h**e animal friendsc. no, there aren’t.

( )4. what can fish dod. it has four.

)5. how many feet does a rabbit h**e? e. she likes playing table tennis.

)6. what does she like doingf. they can swim.

)7. are there any ducks on the farm? g. it’s on the first floor.

( )8. let’s go and playi. she has a cat.


1. my friend has a dog. (改为疑问句并作否定回答)

friend __a dog?

she2. she likes playing the piano in the room. (对划线部分提问)

what __shein the room?

3. there are some cakes in the box. (改为否定句)

therecakes in the box.

4. there are three bears in the forest. (对划线部分提问)

bears are there in the forest?

5. mike likes running. (改为否定句)


6. with drawing in likes my the brother park me. (连词成句) (1分)



the dogs __big __

--no, they __

2. 三楼有一间电脑室吗?不,没有。

- there a __room on the floorthere___

3. sam擅长溜冰。

-samat __


yang ling like __



there are four trees beside the lake. there is a small tree and three big trees. in the small tree, there is a bird.

can the bird sing? yes, it can. what’s beside those big trees.

there’s a dog.

“oh, i am hungry, i want some food” says the dog.

bird, come here. it’s time for tea.” says the dog.

not today, thank you” says bird. “you can’t catch me today, goodbye”

) 1. there are three trees beside the lake.

) 2. the bird is in the big tree.

) 3. the bird can’t sing.


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