
发布 2020-05-06 08:32:28 阅读 2750



)1、comp_ter (计算机) a 、a b、 o c、 u

)2、c_ l (凉爽的) a、 oo b 、ou c、 ee

)3、d_nn_r(正餐) a 、i…o b 、i…e c 、e…e

)4、o er (结束) a、 a b、v c、 e

)5、war (温暖的) a、 o b 、m c、u


teachers’ officelibrary ( music room (

breakfastlunchgo home (

warm ( cold ( class ( hot (

a.早餐 b.温暖的 c.班级 d.**教室 e.图书馆 f.热的 g.回家 h.教师办公室 i . 寒冷的 j.午餐。


( )1、 a、library b、art room c、floor

)2、 a、 lunch b、english class c、music class

)3、 a、 second floor b、 firstfloor c、one

)4、 a、 art room b、music room c、hot

)5、 a、 sunny b、rainy c、kid

)6、 a、warm b、cool c、pencil

)7、 a、 dinner b、lunch c、library

)8、 a、 english b、father c、chinese

)9、 a、 red b、art c、blue

)10、a、get up b、go home c、music


)1、students in your class?

a 、how many b、 how much c、 how old

)2、we h**e __art room.

a 、an b、 the c、 a

)3、where is the library ?

it’s on the floor

a 、one b 、first c、two

)4、where is the art room?

it is the first floor.

a、 in b、 on c、under

)5、 is the art room ?

a 、what b、where c、how

)6、it is time __dinner.

a、 to b、 for c、 on

)7、__time is it?

it is 7 o’clock.

a、 what b、 how

)8、isthis the library?__

a、 yes ,it is. b 、no, it is. c、 yes, it is not.

)9、__you h**e a library ?

a. is b. are c. do

) i go outside now ?

can’t. can’t . you can.



a. where is the music room ?

b. where is the teachers’ office ?


a. it’s on the second floor .

b. it’s on the first floor .


a. do you h**e a library ?

b. do you h**e a teachers’ office ?


a. it’s time to get up .

b. it’s time to go to school.


a. what’s the weather like in new york ?

b. what’s the weather like in beijing ?


( )i go outside now ?

) 2. it’s 6:00. it’s time for dinner.

) 3. do you h**e a library ?

( )4. it’s rainy .

) time is it?

a. 六点整了。该吃饭了。


c. 是下雨天。


e. 几点了?

七。 从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答语。 (10分)

a 栏b栏

) are theya. it's 4 o'clock.

) this the classroomb. yes, it is

) 3. can i go outside nowc. they are books.

( )4. what time is itd. it’s red.

) 5. what colour is your bage .yes,you can.


hello, my name is amy. i get up at 6 o’clock. i h**e breakfast at 7:

10. and then i go to school. i h**e four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.

i h**e lunch in the canteen(食堂) at school. i go home at 4:50.

i h**e dinner at 7 o’clock. i go to bed at 9:30.

1、i get up at( )


2、i h**e( )at 7:10.


3、i h**e( )classes all day.


4、i h**e lunch( )

a、at schoolb、at home

5、i go to bed at



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