
发布 2020-05-06 10:32:28 阅读 3641

2016---2017 学年上学期期末测试。



一、 听录音,选择正确的选项并将其序号写在题前的括号内。(10分)

二、listen and tick. 听录音,在听到的**下打√。(5分)

三、listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,选择合适的单词将其序号写在横线上)

10分)1、i h**e got many

2、there is a bigin the park. 3、my mother doesn’t like

4、where is the5、my sister likes

四、listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(10分)

)1、a. yes, i h**eb. yes, i can.

)2、a. it's six o'clockb. she is six.

)3、a. 26 wordsb. 26 times.

)4、a. no, i can'tb. no, i don't

)5、a. yes, he doesb. yes, he is.

五、listen and choose. (听句子,判断正误, 正确的写t,错误的写f)(5分)

1lisa comes from china .2she is in year 5.

3there are 40 children in lisa’s class.

4she likes sports very much. 5lisa can play the guitar



1. is he your

2. do you collect

3. it’spast eight.

4. i collect

5. i dream i canto animals.

七。 read and choose.选择与**内容相符合的句子,将序号写在题前的括号里。

10分) )1. a. i can go to school

b. i can tr**el around the world

)2. a. he is going to buy pears.

b. he is going to buy chocolates.

( )3. a. this is my home city, wuhan

b. it’s a big city, shanghai.

( )4. a. i like playing football

b. i like playing basketball.

) 5. a. i dream i h**e got a little sister

b. i dream about my grandparents

八、choose. 读句子,选出错误的选项,将序号写在题后的括号内。

10分)1. he are playing the piano

a b 2. she sometimes dream she can fly

ab3. i am go to buy chocolates, ice cream and chewing gum

a b 4. she don't collect comics, autographs, postcards or stamps

a bget up on seven o’clock

a b九、read and fill in.看图填词。根据家庭**,在横线上的括号内选词填空,每空一词。(10分)

iam / is) bob. this is my happy family. ann is my

brother / sister). john is my little brother. he is four years old. these are my

parent /parents), alice and mike. my father mike is a cook.

___he / she) cooks very well. my mother alice is a nurse. she

work / works) at the children's hospital. 十、read . 阅读短文,按要求做题。(10分)

dear linda,i’m very happy to be your pen pal (笔友). my name is amy brown. i’m nine years old this year, and i’m in year 4.

i study in will school.

i like fruits very much. every day, i h**e an apple, two bananas and some grapes. they are yummy!

i like reading story books. i get up at seven o’clock. i go to school at twenty to eight.

school starts at half past eight. school ends at quarter to five. i go to bed at nine.

here is a photo for you. it’s me and my brother, peter. do you like my school uniform?

white blouse, red tie, blue skirt, white socks and black shoes. i think they look nice. i like them.


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