
发布 2020-05-06 10:05:28 阅读 9797




一、 抄写,注意大小写,标点符号以及占格。(共8分)

1. f**ourite think study july

2. mrs chen is taking dongdong to the library.


)1. my groupgoing to do some research.

a. is b. are c. am

)2. peater likes

a. draw b. draws c. drawing

) make a beautiful card my sister.

a. for b. to c. on

)4read in bed .

a. don’t b. isn’t c .not

)5do you live? —we live in beijing.

a. where c. what

)6. letshow you how to make a kite.

a. i c. my

)7. firstthe ***** .

a. cut b. cuts c. cutting

)8. —are we going to write ? no,we

a. are c. don’t

)9. —my birthday ismay.

a. on b. in c. at


)1. a. today

)2. a. story

)3. a. how

)4. a. friday

)5. a. first two


) picturesa.五月三日。

) of marchb.一月四日。

) of januaryc.收集**。

) to storiesd.在课堂上说话。

) in classe.听故事。


1. six(序数词复数。

译成中文4. “找到”(译成英语。

book(译成中文 (基数词。



a. what’s this? about you? are you?

)2. 你不知道母亲节是什么时候,你会问:

a. when is mother’s day? b. who is your mother?

is mother’s day?


a. don’t pick flowers,please. b. don’t water flowers please.

c. don’t look at the flowers.


down, please. b. stand up, please.

c. come in , please.


1. kite going to make i’m (

2. road don’t play on football the (

3. fan a what about nice (

4. birthday when’s father’s your (

5. her a box i’ll buy of chocolates (


do you like reading books?i always read books in the library on

i go with my friends. in the library,you should

follow(遵守)the rules(规则):

talk.the desk ciean.

eat or drink.

on the books.


) always read books in the library on saturdays.

) i go with my father.

) can’t talk in the library.

) can eat and drink in the library.

) can not write on the book.


三年级数学下册期末质量检测c 一 填空。1 地图通常是按上北 下 左西 右 的方向绘制的2 65是5的 倍,65的5倍是 3 估算 41 19 4 一个数由4个1,5个十分之一,和6个o 01组成,这个数是 5 一辆货车从上午10时从甲地开出,5小时后把货送到乙地,送到乙地。的时间是下午 时。6 9...


唐河育才实验学校2011 2012学年度第一次月考。时间 60分钟分值 100分。一 选出不同类的单词。把其字母代号填入题前括号内。10分 1,a.fox b.cat c.good 2,a.girl b.boy c.inside 3,a.mouth b.look c.hand 4,a.clever ...


六年级月考试卷。一 填空 每题1分共23分 1 的倒数是和0.25互为倒数,没有倒数。2 甲比乙多乙比甲少 3 4是把 平均分成 份,求每份是多少,也就是求 的 是多少。4 把2 0.125的后项扩大1000倍,要使比值不变,前项也应 这是 5 正方形 长方形和圆的周长相等时,的面积最大,的面积最小...