五年级试卷 定

发布 2020-05-06 10:04:28 阅读 1604





一。 listen and draw. 听录音,请将听到的数字用线连起来。连完后,看看它是什么数字,将单词写在横线上。(10分)

it is二。 listen and number. 听录音,请按录音顺序将**标上相应的数字序号。(10分)

三。 listen and match. 听录音,请将小朋友与会做的事情连接起来。(10分)

lisa bob helen jimmy jane

四。 listen and draw or write. 听录音,请在钟面上画出或写出听到的时间。(10分)

五。 listen and write “t” or “f”. 听录音,请判断句子是否与对话内容相符,相符的在括号内写“t”, 不相符的写“f”。(10分)

) 1. the classroom is big.

) 2. there are ten desks in the classroom.

) 3. the door is pink.

) 4. there is a cat behind the curtains.

) 5. mary has got four pencils.


一。 look and write. 请根据**在横线上写出字母完成单词。(6分)

ltc__ diganplay f__ ball

pl__ table tennis c__ tainss__cks

二。 look, draw and write. 请根据**在横线上写出对应的时间。(每空一词5分)

1. it’son the watch on the table.

2. it’son the clock

under the table.

三。 look, read and match. 请将指令语与相对应的**连线。 (6分)

stand nose to nose. clap your hands. touch your toes.

bend your kneesjump up highshake your arms and your legs.

四。 read and choose. 请找出问句对应的答句,并将该答句的字母序号填在括号内。 (6分)

a. brownb. yes, i do.

c. it’s one o’clockd. i’m ok.

e. no,i can’tf. there are six.

五。 read, choose and write. 请从方框内选择正确的单词写在横线上完成对话。

5分)how much do h**e what is

六。 read, choose and finish the story. 请根据故事情节,从方框内选择单词填在横线上。(6分)

happy poster dog hungry water he

on the way to school, emma and mike see a __it is very __they give some food to the dog. then a man comes hereasks emma and mike to go away (要…走开). a day later, they see that the dog is on a chain(链子).

they write(写) ato help the dog. the poster(海报) says: he needs food, love and

a week later the dog was sent to(被送到) a granny’s home. the dog is very

七。 reading. 阅读理解10分)

1. 请根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,对的写“t”或错的写“f”。(5分)

my name is dan. i h**e some good friends. they are sam, lily

and sue. sam is good at swimming. he swims fast. i can swim too.

lily and sue can play the piano and ride a horse. but lily can’t stand

on her head. sue can’t play football. all of us can play table tennis .

we love sports.

) 1. dan has some good friends.

) 2. sam is good at swimming.

) 3. dan can swim.

) 4. lily can stand on her head.

) 5. they can play table tennis.

2. 请根据对话内容完成**并在横线上写出peter付款的总数5分)

peter: look, wendy! i h**e lots of food.

wendy: wow! great! how many hamburgers are there?

peter: three.

wendy: how much is one hamburger?

peter: it’s six yuan.

wendy: what about hot dogs?

peter: i h**e four. one hot dog is three yuan.

wendy: how many cakes are there?

peter: there are five. and one cake is two yuan.

peter pays(付) _yuan together(一共).

八。 writing. 写作。 (6分)

要求:1、请用方框内的句型完成小短文, i h**e a big\ small\ lovely…room.

并向你的同伴介绍一下自己的房间。 there is a\an….

2、条理清晰,连贯,句子通顺, there are….

标点正确,书写工整、规范;(1分) the curtains are blue and white.


my room

定 五年级数学试卷

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