一、看图选择与**相符的单词。 (8分)
) 1. a. eraser b. egg c. ***** d. schoolbag
) 2. a. march b. monday c. august d. december
) 3. a. twelve b. fourth c. eighth d. second
) 4. a. snow b. cloudy c. windy d. rainy
) 5. a. pink b. purple c. write d. red
) 6. a. music b. chinese c. subject d.
1kim isthe chair.
the ***** is __the blackboard.
the chair isthe blackboard.
on, in front of, beside )
2the cat is the
the dog is the
the panda is the
third, first, second )
3this is
june, children’s day )
likes to draw pictures.
f**ourite subject is art.
her, she )
) 1. i go to school on foot.
) 2. my f**ourite clothes are skirts.
) 3. today is tuesday.
) 4. it’s twelve. i h**e dumplings for lunch.
) 5. this is the ninth month of the year.
1first is national day. (january / october )
2is the second day of the week. (monday / tuesday )
3. my f**ourite colour is bluef**ourite colour is red.
she / her )
4. he likes fruiti like vegetables. (but / and )
5. april is themonth of the year. (fourth / third )
) 1. 你们为上学做好准备了吗? a. how’s the weather today ?
) 2. 你的生日是什么时候b. he is writing on *****.
) 3. 今天的天气怎么样c. are you ready for school ?
) 4. 教师节是九月十日d. when is your birthday ?
) 5. 他正在纸上写e. teachers’ day is september tenth.
)1. what’s he wearinga. i’m 1.35 metres tall.
) 2. what’s your f**ourite colour ? b. on the sixth floor.
) 3. how do you go to schoolc. he is wearing a sweater.
) 4. which floor do you lived. by bus.
) 5. how tall are youe. black.
) 1. 你想知道李明高还是矮,你问李明。
a. are you tall or short ? b. is he tall or short ?
) 2. 你想表达“这是纸”时,应说。
a. this is *****b. this is a *****.
) 3. 课间休息时,老师向你借笔,你毫不犹豫地说:__
a. sure. here you areb. no, thanks.
) 4. 你想问“今天是几号?”时,应问:__
a. what day is it today ? b. what’s the date today?
) 5. 你想知道“现在几点了?”时,应问:__
a. how is the timeb. what time is it ?
1. you , are , old , how (?
2. you , do , live , where (?
3. lunch , for , it’s , time (.
4. is , this , a , pencil(.)
5. close , the , door (.
2012 2013学年度第二学期 一 综合情况分析 本次期末考试试题采用听力部分和笔试两部分组成,满分100分,时间60分钟。试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容,因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚定的基础。...
四年级期末试卷 下
一 填空。1.我们人体全身的骨头可分成四部分 头 躯干 手臂 腿脚 2.我们的身体有 600 多块肌肉,占人体重量的 40 3.附着在骨头上的肌肉总是成对在一起工作,一个 收缩 另一个就 舒张 4.蚕的一生要经过 卵 幼虫 蛹 成虫 四个发育阶段。这样的发育特点叫 5.蚕一生要蜕 四 次皮,要吐丝的...
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