
发布 2022-03-29 07:06:28 阅读 5011

module 1

1.小心(对待be careful with

1.匆匆忙忙in a hurry

2.匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth.

3.成百上千 hundreds of (另外thousand,million, billion跟它用法一样)

4.寻找look for

(拓展:look at看,

look after照顾,look up查找,look into 向。里看 ,look around 向四周看,look out小心,look through浏览,

look out of...向。外看)

5.比如,例如 such as (用于引出多个例子for example(用于引出同类中的一个例子)

6.首先,第一 first of all

7.从现在开始 from now on

8.失物招领 lost and found

9.失物招领处 lost and found office

10.欢迎回到学welcome back to school

11.不客气 you’re welcome

that’s all right/not at all

12.这有here is/are...

13.丢东西lose things

14、把某物遗忘在某地 le**e sth +介短。

15、在飞机场at airports

16、许多其他的东西 many other things


two thousand mobile phones

18.此刻at the moment

19.奇怪的东西 strange things

20.15公斤香肠 fifteen kilos of sausages

module 2

1.打兵乓球play table tennis

2. 弹钢琴play the piano

3 骑自行车 ride a bike

4. 说汉语speak chinese

5.在布告牌上 on the board

6. 想做某事 would like to do sth.( want to do sth.)

7. 仅此而已 that’s all

8.怎么样what/how about

9.担心 worry about/be worried about

10. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth.

11. 教某人某事 teach sb. sth.

12.教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth.

13.**俱乐部 the music club

14.餐饮俱乐部 the food and drink club

15.煮鸡蛋cook eggs

16.汉语社团 the chinese club

17.乒乓球俱乐部 the table tennis club

18.班长 the class monitor

19.体委 the pe monitor

20.卫生委员 the cleaning monitor

21. 和……相处(得好) get on (well) with sb. 相当于get along (well) with sb.

22. 准备做某事,乐意/愿意做某事

be ready to do sth.

23. 选某人做…choose sb. as …

24. 保证/答应/承诺做某事

promise to do sth.

(许下诺言) make a promise

25. 喜欢做某事。

enjoy doing sth. =like doing sth.

26. 过的愉快;玩的开心

enjoy oneself = h**e a good time

27.在操场上 in the playground

28.在课间 between lessons

29.擅长be good at

30.得最高分 get the best score

31.确信be sure

32.就像just like

33.努力学习 work hard

34.打扫卫生 do (some) cleaning


do some shopping 买东西

do some washing 洗衣服。

do some reading 看书

do some writing 写东西。

module 3

1.制定计划make a plan

2.计划做某事 plan to do sth.

3.在周末at the weekendon weekends

4.上钢琴课 h**e a piano lesson

5.查看电子邮件 check one’s email

6.做作业 do one’s homework

7. 复习功课 go over lessons

8.复习某事revise for sth.

9.野餐h**e a picnic

10.举行聚会h**e a party

11.看电影see a movie/film

12.呆在床上stay in bed

13.独自呆在家里 stay at home

14.帮助做家务 help with the housework

15.为运动员喝彩 cheer the players

17. 期望,盼望 look forward to ..


watch our f**ourite team

19.足球迷football fans

20.交朋友make friends

21.穿球队衫 wear the team shirt

22.五一假期 may day holiday

23.玩得痛快 enjoy oneself

24.起床get up

25. 看书read a book

26.乡村散步 take a walk in the country

go for a walk

27. 收垃圾 collect litter

28.游泳go swimming

29.在公园 in the park

30.暑假 summer holiday

31.参加夏令营 go on a summer camp

32.澳大利亚家庭 an australian family

33.说英语 speak english

34.观光 go sightseeing /

do some sightseeing

35.野炊h**e a picnic

36.在沙滩上 on the beach

37.在星期六早上 on saturday morning

module 4

1.将来 in the future

2.在家 at home

3.20年之后 in twenty years’time

4.在互联网上 on the internet

5.确定be sure

6.能够be able to

7.许多a lot of

8.空余时间 free time

9.成为现实 come true

10.一家小型飞机 a small plane

11.一整年 all year

12.也as well

13.交朋友 make friends

14...的改变 a change of...

15.一种新型。a new kind of

16.不再not...any more...

17.不仅。而且。not only...but also...


h**e a lot of homework to do

19.重工作 he**y jobs

20.轻活 light work

21.长假 long holidays

22.交通堵塞 traffic jams

23.工作时间 working hours

24.海平面 the sea level

25.大雨 he**y rain

26.不再 not...any more

27.在空中 in the air


check the students’level

module 5


how much=what’s the price of...


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