
发布 2022-03-27 14:27:28 阅读 4519

2024年高考英语全国新课标ii卷试卷分析, ,






本套试卷的听力主播是kris & laura,与去年一致;速度为150-155 wpm;整套材料的词数约为731个单词,为近5年来最少;设题方面,依然以事实细节题和推理判断题为主;难度方面,整体上有10个左右的难度题。


1. 更加真实的对话情境。text 5是一个典型的例子。

5. what does the woman want the man to do?

a. speak louder. b. apologize to her. c. turn off the radio.

原文:w: could you turn that off? i can’t hear myself think.

m: what?

w: the radio.

m: oh! sorry.


2. 信息点密集。正确选项和干扰项的信息点密集分布在原文中, 尤其体现在text 6和text 9两段对话中,如第小题。

第6题问how long did michael stay in china?而原文中与之相关的信息点有five days,one week和two weeks. 第7题问where did michael go last year?

干扰的信息点有russia,norway和india. 第15题问how much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment? 相关信息点有$350,$400和$415.


3. 推断题构思巧妙。尤其体现在第等小题。解答这类题在听取录音时,不仅需要。


3. what will the man do?

a. attend a meeting. b. give a lecture. c. le**e his office.

原文:m: now, let’s stop talking and get going.

i need to be in my office in fifteen minutes, or i’ll be late for a


w: okay, bye.

此题是对下一步动作的推断,答案为a。从男士的话let’s stop talking and get going.及 or i’ll be late for a meeting.


9. what are the speakers going to do?

a. cook dinnerb. go shoppingc. order dishes.

原文: m: sally, do you like seafood?

w: yes, of course.

m: is there anything you especially like?

w: well, i really don’t know. i can never remember the names.

m: okay. is there any food you don’t eat?

w: well, i don’t eat chicken. and i don’t like eggs, either.

but i like all kinds of fish and vegetables.

m: then let’s look at the menu and see what they’ve got for us.

此题通过对下一步动作的推断来考查对话的场景,答案为c。结合上下文语境及最后一句then let’s look at the menu and see what they’ve got for us.可推知两人将要点餐。

10. where are the speakers?

a. in a hospitalb. in the officec. at home.

11. when is the report due?

a. thursdayb. fridayc. next monday.

原文: m: you look pale, stephanie. what’s wrong?

w: i don’t feel good. i h**e a bad headache.

in fact, i h**en’t got much sleep this past week, and i feel

really tired.

m: why don’t you go to see a doctor?

w: yeah, i think i should. but i h**e a report due tomorrow.

ms. jenkins needs it for the board meeting

next monday.

m: well, it’s wednesday today. why don’t you talk to ms.

jenkins, and ask if you can hand it in on

friday morning?

w: maybe i should try. i guess i just need a good sleep. thanks, george.

m: if you need any help with the report, just let me know.

第10题对地点进行推断,答案为 b。根据上下文及女士的话but i h**e a report due tomorrow. ms.

jenkins needs it for the board meeting next monday.可知双方在谈论工作的事,对话场景发生在办公室。

第11题答案为 a。结合女士的话but i h**e a report due tomorrow.及男士的话well, it’s wednesday today.可知答案。

13. what is the probable relationship between the speakers?

a. salesperson and customer. b. homeowner and cleaner. c. husband and wife.

14. what kind of apartment do the speakers prefer?

a. one with two bedrooms. b. one without furniture. c. one near a market.

原文: w: anything interesting in the ***** today, dear?

m: well, yeah. there are a few here that might interest us.

here’s one for just four hundred dollars. it

only has one bedroom, but it sounds nice, near lake street.

w: yeah. let me see what the cheapest two-bedroom apartment is.

oh, here’s one on market street. it’s

a real bargain. only three hundred and fifty dollars. but it doesn’t h**e any furniture.

m: well, it costs a lot to buy all the furniture.


a.b.c.d.11.直三棱柱abc a1b1c1中,bca 90 m,n分别是a1b1,a1c1的中点,bc ca cc1,则bm与an所成的角的余弦值为 abcd.12.设函数。若存在的极值点满足,则m的取值范围是 a.b.c.d.第 卷。本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。第13题 第21题为必考题...


2013 2015年全国高考英语新课标ii卷简析 双向细目表。平凉一中2017届高三英语备课组。一 变化。近几年顺应新课程标准改革的趋势,全国卷英语试题也在不断地创新和尝试。其中变化最大的当属2014年高考,全国新课标i 卷和ii卷都采取了大刀阔斧的改革,将一直存在的单项选择取消,取而代之的则是语法...


一 变化。近几年顺应新课程标准改革的趋势,全国卷英语试题也在不断地创新和尝试。其中变化最大的当属2014年高考,全国新课标i 卷和ii卷都采取了大刀阔斧的改革,将一直存在的单项选择取消,取而代之的则是语法填空,这种类似题型有些省市也率先做出过尝试。二 分析。为了了解高考趋势,为我们即将面临的2016...