
发布 2022-01-01 08:15:28 阅读 5243







选择和准备下一小题。每则对话读两遍。] 每小题1分,共5分)


、对话理解听下面四则对话,从每小题a、b、c三个选项中,找出相应问题的最佳答案。[听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。] 每则对话读两遍。



)6. what are they going to do?

a. to practice listening. b. to go to a movie.

c. to listen to a speech

)7. why does the girl think it will be a hard time for her?

a. it’s not interesting. b. she is poor at listening.

c. it’s too noisy


)8. how will betty probably go to school today?

a. by busb. on foot. c. by bicycle .

)9. why doesn’t her father take her to school?

a. he is busy today. b. betty doesn’t want to take his car. c. his car is broken.


)10. what did the girl come here for?

a. to return tony’s watch. b. to clean the street.

c. to see john.

)11. who did tony go to clean the street with?

a. all the classmatesb. five boys and two girls.

c. his group.

)12. how many times has tony cleaned the street?

a. onceb. twicec. three times.


) are they probably talking?

a. in a schoolb. in a shop. c. at home.

) size of jeans does the man want ?

a. largeb. mediumc. small

)15. what color does he like?

a. light blueb. dark blue c. light black


)16. where is helen from?

a. englandb. americac. japan.

)17. what subject is helen interested in?

a. chineseb. mathc. history.

)18. when will helen visit china?

a. this juneb. this august.

)19. how will helen go to beijing?

a. by planeb. by shipc. by train.

)20. why does helen like new york best?

a. because it’s both big and modern.

b. because it’s both old and beautiful.

c. because it’s both modern and beautiful.


一. 词汇:(共20分)


don’t want to go to hawaii this summer. it’s too t

likes m___who play different kinds of music.

dictionary isn’t mine. it b___to mary.

is important to study gwhen one learns a foreign language.

got her ears pyesterday and bought that pair of earrings.



3.乐意做某事4. 错误地。

5. 尽快6. 热衷于。

7.想出,提出8. 坚持。

9. 远离10. 意见一致。

(三) 用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分)

1. this is anexcite) film. i am veryexcite).

2. he had a hard timework) out the math problem.

3. i can’tpronunciation) some of the words.

4. if i had a lot of money, ibuy) anything i want.

5. she doesn’t know whatdo) next.

6. he preferredplay) games todo) his homework.

7. the man must be runningcatch) the bus.

8. it must be teenagersh**e) fun.

9. i listened to a cdcall) heart strings last night.

10. you look tired, why not considerh**e) a short rest?

二. 单项选择:(25分)

)1. they h**en’t decided __their vacation.

a. where spendingb. to spend where

c. where to spendd. spending.

)2. i h**e a pen __

a. to write b. to write with c. to write on d. writing with

)3. he used to play ping-pong

a. don’t he b. didn’t he c. wasn’t he d. doesn’t he

)4. -what’s your f**orite sport ?

-swimming, i think. it’s __of all.

a. easier b. more difficult c. the most interesting d. the most boring

)5. tom spends much time __his english.


2018 2019学年度青岛版第一学期期中。九年级数学试题。时间120分钟满分120分 一 选择题 共12小题,每小题3分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求 1.如图,已知直线a b c,直线m交直线a,b,c于点a,b,c,直线n交直线a,b,c于点d,e,f,若 则 2.如图,1 ...


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