
发布 2021-12-30 21:13:28 阅读 6232








. 听句子, 选出与其意思相符的**。(每小题1分,计分5分)


abcabc. 听句子选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,计分5分)

)6. a. i’m chineseb. i h**e a toothache. c. i’m a foreigner.

)7. a. she likes mathb. she does every dayc. she walks to school.

)8. a. what a pityb. help yourselfc. be careful.

)9. a. not at allb. thank youc. no, not so good.

)10. a. let’s gob. i’m readyc. yes, i h**e.

. 听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分)

)11. a. in a shopb. in a restaurantc. in a library.

)12. a. mom’sb. tim’sc. tom’s.

)13. a. at 6:00b. at 6:30c. at 7:00.

)14. a. he likes loud musicb. the house here is too old.

c. he wants to live in a quiet place.

)15. a. fishb. chickenc. beef.

iv. 听对话选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分)


)16. how will the girl go to washington?

a. by trainb. by planec. by car.

)17. who will meet her at the airport?

a. her uncleb. her uncle’s friend. c. her father’s friend.


)18. where did jenny go yesterday morning?

a. to her grandparents’ homeb. to her parents’ home. c. to her aunt’s home.

)19. how long did it take her to get there?

a. one hourb. less than 2 hours. c. more than 2 hours.

)20. how was the weather there?

a. sunny and warmb. cold and snowyc. hot and humid.


从a 、b、 c、 d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

)21. -when was michael phelps born? -he was born __june, 1985.

a. onb. inc. atd. to

)22. the news __very interesting. tell me more!

a. isb. arec. wasd. were

)23. the boy found __hard to deal with the problem.

a. thisb. thatc. itd. he

)24. he used to __news***** after breakfast but now he likes to walk the dog.

a. lookb. seec. readd. watch

)25. -may i listen to the music here, mr. liu. -sorry, you’d better __it.

a. not to dob. not doc. don’t dod. didn’t do

)26. look! it is raining __we h**e to stay at home until it is sunny.

a. strongly b. he**ilyc. hardlyd. slowly

) 27. -you are ten minutes late today, tom.

- sorry, sir. i will come __next time.

a. earlyb. earliestc. earlierd. the earliest

) 28. -could you tell me if your sister __to my party tomorrow?

i think she will. she has promised me to go together with me.

a. comes b. will comec. comed. came

) 29. -it’s time for class but i can’t find my pen. what should i do?

- you __use mine if you like.

a. mayb. needc. mustd. should

) 30. -h**e you ever been to hong kong?

yes. not only i but also my brother __been there.

a. hasb. hadc. h**ed. h**ing

) 31. -there __a wonderful movie on show this weekend. will you go with me?

i will, if i am free.

a. is going to h**e b. is going to be c. is going to has d. is h**ing

) 32 bin laden __for about one year. his death caused a lot of attention.

a. has diedb. was deadc. has been dead d. died

) 33. -we h**e finished watering all the trees, mr. wang.

boys and girls, let’s h**e a rest.

a. good luck b. well done c. good idead. best wishes.

) 34. i __to get there before seven tomorrow, so i’ll h**e to get up early.

a. toldb. h**e told c. will telld. was told

) 35. we’ll go shopping as soon as it __


南湖中学2011 2012学年第一学期第三次阶段性检测试题 卷 九年级理化 化学部分。可能用到的相对原子质量 h 1,c 12,o 16,n 14,al 27,cu 64 一 选择题 本题包括20个小题,1 10小题每题1分,11 20小题每题2分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意 1.下列过程...


一选择题 20分,每小题一分 山顶洞人属于人类的哪个进化阶段 a.早期猿b.早期智人。c.晚期猿人d.晚期智人。2.世界上第一部比较完整的成文法典所使用的应该是哪种文字 a.象形文字 b.楔形文字 c.希腊字母 d.拉丁字母。3.今年是公元2010年。这一国际通用的纪年方式是以谁的诞生之年开始计算的...


2010 2011学年度第二学期第三次摸底试题 卷 九年级理化合卷。化学部分 75分 可能用到的相对原子质量 h 1 c 12 n 14 o 16 na 23 cl 35.5 一 选择题 每小题只有一个选项符合题意,将正确答案的序号填在下表内。1至7每小题2分,8至11每小题3分,共26分 1 人的...