
发布 2021-11-04 14:12:28 阅读 2295




关键词】守摊儿;三人行必有我师;教学品牌;口碑;幸福观happiness of the feeling teacher’s occupation

zheng yue-jun

abstract】the common saying say that the gold cup silver cup not equal to student’s public want to teach good oneself’s academics, be hold this bowl of guarantee!in the meantime the form master of conduct and actions an art special features class, i even want to guard securely my battlefield, must guard good this stand, this be my brand.

take noodles by point, with each other help to with each other learn, the common saying say:”the three people line necessarily has me the teacher.”each student has its flashlight point and seek quasi- flashlight point even give with encouragement, performance is its sense of right ascension;take noodles by point, formation a help a study formation good atmosphere of a school, atmosphere of a school formation, certainly class breeze also class the construction of the breeze up, for disobey a ji student malicious grasp, make the student feel iron of discipline is good class breeze importance of assurance, thus gradual formation good class breeze atmosphere of a school.


我觉得教师的职业幸福是一种感觉,是自己的一种心态,它取决于我们的生活态度 生活价值观。对于作为教师的我们来说,幸福是可以自己去获得的。那么应该如何去追寻教师的职业幸福感呢?我是从以下几方面来做 首先,享受教育,享受人生 教师如果能以享受的态度从教,那么教育生涯就是幸福的人生。享受教育每一天,幸福生活...




在日常生活中寻找 善待生活 每当看到我们的同行病倒在讲台上,英年早逝而被树立为学校榜样的消息,心里就特别地不是滋味儿。每当听到有人用 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡烛成灰泪始干 比喻老师,心头就涌上一种酸楚的感觉。事业诚可贵,健康价更高。身体是1,其他的都是0,没有1,再多的 0 也还是 0 身体是革命的本钱。...