
发布 2021-10-15 03:05:28 阅读 1467


get---buy some—any good—great usually—often look for—find of course---sure picture-photo walk---on foot near---next to movie—film

hear---listen to trousers-pants autumn=fall sleepy---tired drurn--jump

movies---cinema—movie theatre must—h**e to gift=present hope—wish

be careful=look out=watch out what a mess!=how messy!

come on—hurry up excuse me=pardon me upset—unhappy—sad

proctice—exercise dig a hole=dig holes

get exercise=do sports at the store---in the shop

反义词。never—always /ever expensive—cheap big—small fast—slow

win—lose give—got good—bad lose—win thick-thin

turn left- turn right slowly—quickly loudly—quietly

put on—take off

同音词。where—wear pear—pair there—their no—know

近音词。chip—cheap soap—soup bag—bad—bed sock—short

cheer—chair clear—clean beer—dear—bear grass==glass

croun—clown trumpet—jump—drum lake—late


对应词。never---always why--because


shampoo,ice-cream,soap,water,milk,meat,juice,coffee,fish,bread,milk,cola,toothpaste,chicken,steak,beef,pork,toilet *****

连系动词:be, fed,look,keep,seem,sound,taste





am/is---was are---were become—became begin---began

blow---blew bring---brought buy---bought can---could

catch---caught come---came cut---cut dig---dug

do---did draw—drew hurt---hurt know—knew

le**e---left lend---lent let---let lose---lost


piece—pieces carton—cartons pair—pairs bag—bags

bottle—bottles bar—bars roll—rolls box---boxes

例:a box of tissues---many boxes of tissues

常见词组 a piece of bread 一块面包 two pieces of *****两张纸 too much太多。

three bags of eggs三袋鸡蛋 a pair of shorts一条短裤 look after照顾。

two pairs of shoes 两双鞋子 three bowls of rice 三碗饭 look at看。

drive the car 开汽车 ride a bike骑自行车 look for寻找。

look like看起来像ice breaking破冰horse riding骑马。

see a movie看电影how often多久一次do magic演魔术。

twice a month一个月两次 three times a year一年三次 go jumping去跳。

watch a football match看足球比赛 listen to 听 try to do尝试,努力

once a week一周一次 go horse riding去骑马 be the same as与……相同。

go ice breaking去破冰 a cup of tea 一杯茶 send…to 送给或寄给。

a glass of water一杯水 hundreds of数以百计 thousands of数以千计。

as hard as stones像石头一样硬 in the world在世界上 go around围绕,绕着转。

be lost/get lost迷路 the space museum太空博物馆 in the middle在中间 all the time一直 in the solar systen在太阳系 as…as…像……一样。

be near to在……附近 be far from远离grocery store杂货店。

across from在……对面 in the street在街上 at the corner在拐角处 at the traffic light在红绿灯处 history museum历史博物馆 be late for 迟到

cross the street穿过街道 don’t be late不要迟到 walk one block走一个街口。

climb the mountain爬山 go into the hole 走进洞里 practice the piano练琴 any other 别的,其他 at hunchtime 午餐时间 ride a camel骑骆驼。

talk on the phone 讲** wair for等候 at the lake在湖边 talk on the phone 讲** magic tricks魔术表演 in the air在空中

in the rain 在雨中 in the sun在太阳下 run away逃跑。

hurt my knee弄伤膝盖 fail the test测验不及格 tour the land观光

from now on从现在开始 lots of bunches of grapes一串串葡萄。

send a unch of flowers送一束花 a pair of boots一双长统靴

these bunches of flowers这些花。


一般过去时的标志词:yesterday,last…,thismorning,…ago juast now(刚刚)

一般将来时的标志词:tonight, thismorning,afternoon,evening…,late in a minute.


常见的交通工具:bus taxi,plane,car,train,bike,subway

方位词:on,in,at,near,under,in fromt of ,beind,between…and…,next,across from

职业:worker,farmer,poilet office,baker,office worker,singer,nurse,businessman,doctor,cooker,secredary,teacher,fire fighter,driver,basketball player,post man,magician,barber,waiter,planner,actor butcher.


slow—slowly good—well quick—quickly hard—hard

lould—loudly quiet—quietly

语法规则:about+a(名词)/ving; let’s +动词原形。

like+to the /doing; be+ving; do+v原。

love+to do /doing; help+v原。

must(必须)+v原; so very后面加原形;

so many+名词复数;so much+不可数名词(这么多)


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