
发布 2021-06-04 02:03:28 阅读 9186

new standard english(一年级起点2)

module 9food

教学内容:1.词汇:(uint2) noodles, meat, fish, rice, soup, vegetable.

2.句型:(unit1**6,7) what do you like? i like…here you are, thank you.




2.评选最佳sales boy or salesgirl.3.了解同学喜欢的食物。




1.能听说词汇:noodles, meat, fish, rice, soup, vegetable.2.听懂会说并表演unit 1**6,7的对话内容。

3.能运用句型:what do you like? i like…here you are, thank you.进行交际。


1.句型:what do you like?

here you are.2.词汇:

noodles, meat, fish, rice, soup, vegetable.三.教具准备:


an english song. two little black birds.

boys and girls, just now, we singed a song named“two little birds”

f**orite animal? (you can do the actions) what’s your f**orite fruit? whatdo you like?

ss: i like…

t: oh, good. me too. really? i like it, too.(二)presentation:

i h**e a good news for you. yanshan pupil’s restaurant will openfor a business.但是还缺少了几名售货员和厨师,miss cao今天就要从同学们中间选出几名优秀的售货员和厨师。

let’s see. who will be the bestsales boy or salesgirl and who will be the best cook?

t: do you know cook?yes, i am a cook of yanshan pupil’s i h**e to work now.

what am i doing? t sings: hello, little so many good foods for my students.

(t shows the pictures.)teach: these are food.

delicious food. food means something we can eat.(三)new words teaching

i bring so many delicious foods here. what are these in english?look and listen carefully.


what h**e you heard?学生说出他听到的食品名称。 shows the pictures and teach the new words:

look, it’s long. it’s very nice. what is it?

teach the noodles, i likenoodles. who like noodles? do you like noodles?

can you do the action?meat, meat, i like meat. it smells delicious.

fish, fish, i like fish. i like fish very much. how about you?

rice, rice, chinese people eat it every day. i like rice.做出吃米饭的样子,oh,i’m thirsty.

i want something to drink. i can drink soup.喝汤的动作。

soup, soup, ilike soup.

the words together.

does the actions. ss guess the word. i say you do.

shows the picture ofvegetable: noodles, meat, rice, soup, and fish theseare staple foods. don’t forget vegetable.

(show vegetable) do you know vegetable?itisnourishing.蔬菜含有丰富的维生素,也是不可缺少的食物。

it’sgoodforyour heath.

teach the word“vegetable.”i like vegetable.

the words like me. (from low voice to loud voice)(四).games:

it’s time to play games:

1)t:look at the envelope. there are some pictures in it.

guess: what’s in it? i willshow the picture step by step.

you guess the words. let’s see who has magic eyes.(2)t:

look at thedice; i’llplay the dice. ss guess the words.(五).

sentence teaching.

i’m sure you must feel hungry after looking at so many foods. shall we go tothe restaurant?ok, let’s go to yanshan pupil’s restaurant.

look! noodles/…andfruits. (show the foods and fruits.

出示课前准备好的纸制食品) what do you like?你最喜欢什么呢?what do you like?

read after me. one by one.

i like…t: come to the front. here you are.

lead the ss to say: thank when we give something to others. we can say:

“here you are”. when wetake it we say:“thank you.

”pass the dice. s1: here you are. s2: thank you.

4. game. t:

hi! i’m a saleswoman. can i help you?

what do you like? s:i like…

t: here you thank you. t: you are welcome.

ask the other students what they like. and give the food to the students. t gives asticker to each student.

t:whoisthebestsalesboyorsalesgirl?六) .make an interview.

just now, you h**e choused your f**orite food. now, let’s make an at this form. what do you like?

s1: i like fish. so i tick in this box.

调查每一组第一名学生t:here you are.给每一小组学生一张**,now, each group answer:

i like…you tick in the box. for example, he/she likes noodles. youfind noodles and tick in this box.

then say: here you are. pass the ***** to thesecond one.

ask and answer one by one. let’s pass and tick.最后一名学生统计数字写在黑板上。

i like…人数)3.总结情况:





t:ok,let’ what’s your f**orite food?a small number of students like…and only…student like…从调查的结果我们可看出大家不太喜欢吃蔬菜。

miss cao希望大家不要挑食,每天尽量在主食的基础上,还要多吃蔬菜和水果,做到营养均衡。do remember. it’s good for your heath.

(七).make food.

t: oh, what’s for my lunch today? i want something to eat for my lunch.

i wantrice, fish, and soup. these are staple want vegetable, and i want an i think i will be healthy.(准备白纸剪成米饭,粉红纸剪成肉,塑料大碗假设装有汤放一个汤勺,黄纸剪成面条,蓝色纸剪成鱼,绿色纸剪成蔬菜,红纸剪一个苹果。

)look, this is my nourishing lunch. what’s for your lunch? doyou want to try?

ok. please take out your color *****s, scissor and the plates. cut the ***** 小厨师们,发挥你们的想象,用你们手上的彩纸,为全校的同学们设计制作出富有营养的午餐吧!

待会,我要看看谁制作的午餐即美观又营养。看谁能当选最佳厨师。let’s see, who will be the best cook?


三) homework:

ask your family member what food they like, and learn to make their f**orite food.询问你的家人最喜欢的食物,学做一道他们喜欢吃的菜。(运用任务4)


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