
发布 2021-05-27 05:48:28 阅读 2260

一、单词。1. 极好的,美妙的 (adj.) fantastic2. 速度nspeed

3. **片n.) cartoon4. 这样的 (det .&pron.) such

5. 魔法nmagic6. 派,馅饼 (npie

7. 两个,几个人或事物 (vt.) couple8. 沙,沙滩 (nsand

9. 乡下,农村ncountryside10. 除了…以外 (prep.) except

11. 高山n. )mountain12. 要点n.) point

13. 机场n.) airport14. 亲戚nrelative

15. 旅行ntr**elling /tr**elin**tr**el

16. 想念,思念vt.) miss三单misses

17. 乘坐(游乐设施) (n.) ride (v.过去式/分词) ride—rode—ridden

18. 感觉到,意识到 (vi.) feel过去式/分词) feel—felt—felt

19. 结婚,嫁,娶 (vt.& vi.) marryadjmarried

20. 死的adj.) dead (adj.垂死的) dying


21. 公事,商业,生意 (nbusiness (adjbusy

22. 直达的,直接的 (adj. )direct (a***irectly

反义词adj. )indirectadvindirectly

23. 美味的,可口的 (adj.) delicious (近义词tasty , nice


1. 我认为这对我来说将不是一个假日。

i don't think it'll be a holiday for me.

2. 关于它有什么特别?

what is special about it?

3. 你去过那儿吗?

h**e you ever been there?

4. 自从上周以来我们就没见面。

we h**en’t seen each other since last week.

5. 我和我的父母来香港已经两天了。

my parents and i h**e been in hong kong for two days.

6. 过山车高速移动,真的很刺激。

the roller coaster moved at high speed and was really exciting.

7. 在路上,我们遇见了一些迪斯尼**人物,像白雪公主和米老鼠。

on the way,we met some disney cartoon characters ,such as snow white and mickey mouse.

8. 在傍晚时候,当迪斯尼人物游行开始时,大家都变得很兴奋。

everybody got excited when a parade of disney characters began later in the afternoon.

9. 我追着他们不停地拍**。

i ran after them and couldn't stop taking photos.

10. 我知道你去了海南。

i know you've gone to hainan.

11. 我表兄去过西安两次。

my cousin has been to xi'an twice.

12. 他去了天津出席一场会议。

he has gone to tianjin to attend a meeting.

13. 电影已经开始了20分钟。

the film has been on for 20 minutes.

14. 自从上周二她就离开了北京。

she has been away from beijing since last tuesday.

15. 你去**了?我到处找你。

where h**e you been? i looked for you everywhere.

16. 他离开北京两星期了。

he has been away from beijing for two weeks/ since two weeks ago.

it is two weeks since he left beijing.

17. 今年夏天他可以游览像大连和青岛这样的海滨城市。

he can visit a seaside city like dalian or qingdao this summer.

18. 去那里最好的时间是春节或者秋季。

the best time to go there is in spring or autumn.

19. 冬天,那里的景色也许很棒,但在寒冷下雪的日子爬山很危险。

the views there in winter may be wonderful, but it s dangerous to climb the mountains on cold and snowy days.

20. 五一假期你有任何打算了吗?

do you h**e any plans for the may day holiday?

21. 顺便问一下,乘飞机去成都要多久?

by the way, how long does it take to fly to chengdu?

22. 大约花了我们三个半小时坐飞机去香港。

it took us about three and a half hours to fly to hong kong.

we spent about three and a half hours taking a plane to hong kong.

23. 我希望将来某一天能再参观。

i hope i can visit it again some day. =i hope to visit it again some day.


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