
发布 2021-05-18 11:36:28 阅读 4083


1. almost/nearly

小试牛刀】1. when he came back, it wasone o’clock in the morning.

2no one came to help him with his work.

2011山东日照中考) 30. the volunteer teachers in the rural areas are __college students.

a. mainly b. nearly c. clearly d. freely

2011山东临沂】28. stay away from junk food, please. it’s bad for usfor children!

a. recently b. especially c. probably d. nearly

2. in the future/in future

小试牛刀】1. who knows what will happen

2. be more careful with your spelling

3. advice/suggestion

例句展示】i wonder if i can get some advice from you. 不知道能否得到你的指点。

i made a few suggestions about how we could spend the afternoon.


2011襄阳】26. -i hear you are not allowed to eat in class.

---right. it’s one of the in our school.

a. plans b. orders c. rules d. suggestions

2011东营】i don't know how to deal with my family problem. can you give me some___

a. advice b. messagesc. information d. instructions

延伸拓展】4. 几组词语搭配。



大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更……”用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更……”比较级前面一般用much, even, a little修饰,其中even, much 只能修饰比较级。



a. 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去e加;双写加;变着加。

b. 不规则变化。



still, even, any, quite(a bit), almost, nearly, just, rather;a little, a bit;much, a lot, far, many;twice, ten times, one fourth, two pounds, three years

小试牛刀】1. i can't run anyfar). shall we stop for a while?

2. it is not sohot) today as it was yesterday,

3hard) you studygood) you will be at english.

4.--which do you likewell), english, maths or chinese?

-english is my f**orite subject.

5. our country is becomingandbeautiful).

2011兰州】29. of the two coats, she'd like to choose the one to s**e money for a book.

a. cheapest b. cheaper c. more expensive d. most expensive

2011山东威海】32.—what do you think of liu huan?

oh, he is my f**ourite singer. i think no one can sing___

a. good b. well c. better d. best

2011山东青岛】23. in the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and i did_

a. very wellb. much betterc. very good d. even worse

2011广州】( 8. the actress is already 50, but she looks __than she really is.

a. young b. more young c. more younger d. much younger



1. 谈论某人的品质。

-what is lily like? 莉莉是怎样的一个人?

-she is a very nice girl. 她是个非常好的女孩子。

2. 谈论某人的外貌。

-what does rose look like? 罗斯看起来怎么样?

-thin and tall. 又瘦又高。

牛津英语8a unit 1 短语汇总。

牛津英语8a unit 1 基础训练。


牛津英语8a unit 1 复习讲义。一 重点词汇。3.advice suggestion 例句展示 i wonder if i can get some advice from you.不知道能否得到你的指点。i made a few suggestions about how we could ...


unit 1词组。基本 重要词组 句子。1.something to drink 喝的东西。2.can i h e some more food?我能再吃点东西吗?3.talk to sb和某人谈话。4.h e problems h e trouble 有麻烦。5.keep a secret sec...


1.一些喝的东西2.更多的食物。3.没有其它什么东西4.怎么样。5.我最好的朋友之一6.一个乐于助人的人。7.一个诚实的男孩子8.保守秘密。9.使我发笑10.使我高兴。11.使某人做某事12.分享某人的快乐。13.与 一样苗条14.不如 苗条。15.乐于做某事16.准备好做某事。17.想成为歌手18...