
发布 2021-05-18 17:14:28 阅读 9765


8a unit 1


重点短语 1. h**e something to drink喝点东西→to drink动词不定式作定语 (p6)

知识链接〉见9a unit3 grammar,详细总结动词不定式作定语的用法。

用法拓展〉h**e something to eat吃点东西,h**e a lot of homework to do有许多作业要做

2. h**e some more food再有/要些食物

知识链接〉some more+不可数名词或名词复数形式,more是many/much的比较级,意为“再,又”。some可以更换为基数词,如:two more boys=another two boys



特殊形式要熟记:one more minute=another minute

练一练:还有10个人ten people ②tenpeople

3. nothing else 没有别的东西

知识链接〉⑴不定代词分类:①表示人:somebody/someone, anybody, nobody/no one, everybody/everyone

表示物:something, anything, nothing, everything




1 somebody/anybody/nobody/something/anything/nothing else

2 somewhere/anywhere else

what/who/where/ else

someone else’s, anyone else’s别人的,不能写成someone’s else, anyone’s else。

用法拓展〉⑴there is没有别的东西) in the fridge.

do you h**eto say? 你还有什么话要说吗?

his article is better thanin the class.

a. anyone’s else b. anyone else’s c. anyone’s else’s d. anyone else

london seems much dirtier than其他任何地方).

—i hear they aren’t satisfied with the house you’ve chosen for them.

—well, could they live so comfortably?

a. where else b. what else c. howd. why

in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. (世上无难事。)

4. read an advertisement看广告 (p7)

知识链接〉⑴ read阅读,常用于阅读书报、杂志、广告、传单等。read english, read news*****s, read comic books, read magazines


this doesn’t read like a child’s composition. 这读起来不像是孩子的作文。

her letter reads as follows…她的来信的内容如下…。

用法拓展〉the signno parking!”

a. reads b. was reading c. was read d. had read

5. keep secrets, keep a secret 保密

知识链接〉keep secrets for sb替某人保密,in secret=secretly秘密地,secret agent**,secretary秘书

用法拓展〉careful planning is the secret of success.仔细计划是成功的诀窍。

6. make me happy 使我高兴

make使得;让, make sb/sth+adj. 使……如何

知识链接〉⑴what he said made me sad. ⑵what makes your friend so special?

that chang’e no. 1 satellite was sent into space successfully made chinese exciting.

用法拓展〉⑴make sb do sth让/使某人做某事→sb be made to do sth某人被迫做某事,类似的有:

hear sb do sth→sb be heard to do sth ②h**e sb do sth→sb be had to do sth

be made in+某地,在某地制造

be made of...由……制成(能看到原材料,发生物理变化。

be made from…由……制成(不能看到原材料,发生化学变化)


cars are made shanghai. ②glasses are made glass.

wine is made grapes***** is made wood.

7. share my joy分享我的快乐

知识链接〉distribute civilization, share enjoyment in reading传播文明,共沐书香

用法拓展〉share sth with sb与某人分享某物,与某人合用某物 (详见第14条讲解)

8. h**e problems有问题

知识链接〉⑴h**e problems with sth=h**e difficulty with sth在某方面有问题(困难)

h**e problems (in) doing sth=h**e difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困难

h**e problems with sb 和某人有矛盾

用法拓展〉the deaf h**e problemscommunicate) with people.

9. believe what he/she says相信他(她)说的话

知识链接〉⑴what sb say/says/said某人说的话

believe sb相信某人=believe what sb said=believe sb’s words相信某人的话

believe sth相信某事是真的,believe in sb=trust sb信任某人(建立在长期“相信”的基础上)

用法拓展〉用believe, believe in填空

she said she didn’t take the money. do youher?

ihis story. ⑶weour government.

iwhat he said because ihim.

10. hold a writing competition 举行写作比赛 (p8)

知识链接〉hold/h**e a …competition举行一次…比赛(竞赛),如:hold a drawing competition

用法拓展〉⑴hold举行=h**e,如:hold/h**e a sports meeting举行运动会

be held=take place,如:our school sports meeting is held/takes place in october every year.

11. tell you about my friend betty给你讲讲我朋友贝蒂的事

知识链接〉tell sb about sth/sb 告诉某人有关某事(某人)的情况。

如:would you please tell us about your visit to beijing?

用法拓展〉tell sb about sth→sb be told about sb, as a child, i was told about lei feng by the teachers.

12. one of my best friends我的一个最好的朋友;我最好的朋友中的一个

知识链接〉one of/among+the/物主代词+名词复数,作主语时谓语用单数,“最……中的一个”。


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