
发布 2021-02-05 02:43:28 阅读 9406

牛津英语8b unit 7短语及重要句型。

charities 国际慈善机构。

some pocket money left还剩些零花钱。

used to going out before lunch 习惯于午饭前出去。

used to be kind to somebody 习惯于对某人友好。

5. so … that 如此…… 以至于……

walk any further 不能走远

to the oxfam shop 紧挨着乐施会商店

8. first __then___afterwards___finally




wide fund for nature世界自然**会。

most/least important最(不)重要。

care 保健。

in poor countries主要在贫穷国家。

17.80 percent 百分之八十。

cured or prevented被**或挽救。

somebody/cure of +病**某人/ 病。

the money for medical treatment 有钱进行药物**。

a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries 用飞行眼科医院到各贫穷国家去。

operations 做手术 (on somebody for +病)

an operation on 某人接受手术。

used as a teaching center 被用作教学中心。

25.(can′t/couldn’t)afford to do 买得起有足够的……(去做)

sb skills教某人技能。

one′s knowledge分享知识。

operations on video 用录像看手术。

training 通过训练。

on somebody 给某人做手术。

an important job 如此重要的工作 /such a serious problem 如此严重的难题。

grateful to somebody感激某人 (对某人充满感激。

grateful for something 因……而感激。

proud of something /to do something 因……而骄傲/自豪。

35. be able to …能。

36. anything else?还有其他的吗?

medicine is developing so quickly现代医学发展的如此之快。

the lives of patients改善病人的生活。

on with something/carry on doing something 继续做。

our work by sending donations to orbis捐款给奥比斯来支持我们的工作。

sick people feel better 使病人健康。

…or …或者……或者。

43. used to do…过去常常。

used to something /doing something/for doing something习惯于做某事。

used to do something 被用于做某事。

time/money on something 在……花钱/时间。

time/money (in) doing something 做某事花钱/时间。

patients for eye problems

far away from …远离。

long working hours 长的工作时间。

unusual lifestyle 不寻常的生活方式。

sick on a bus/ on a plane / on a ship 晕车、机、船。

…that… 如此……以至于……

operation can be a long process手术可能是长的过程。

a donation 募捐。

some voluntary work 做志愿工作。

nations 联合国。

set up in成立(被动语态)

to s**e some money for charities 试图为慈善节约一些钱。

to do something /should do something (就)应该做某事。

of…代替 ,而不是。


to h**e a job like mary′s 希望有一个玛丽一样的工作。

school 毕业。

back to school /return to school 返回学校。

as a nurse 训练成为一个**。

to somebody on something

congratulate somebody on something 祝贺某人某事。

good grades on…在……方面得到高分。

69. remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。

used to do sth 过去经常做某事(现在不做了) 否定形式: didn’t use ,或 usedn’t 但反意疑问句用didn’t

& such

so: a. so +adj.

+a/an +可数n 单数 b. so + adj./adv.

c. so many/much/few/little + n.

such : a. such+ a/an +adj. +可数n 单数 b. such +adj. +可数n复数。

c. such +adj. +不可数n

一、 直接引语变成间接引语的几个例子:

1 the teacher told us, “the earth is round.”

the teacher told us (that) the earth is round.

2)tom said to me yesterday, “i like reading books.”

tom told me yesterday (that) he likes reading books.

2 lily told me, “i want to go shopping.”

lily told me (that) she wanted to go shopping.

(4) he asked me ,“who is the woman ?”

he asked me who the woman was .

5) i asked tom, “where does john live?“

i asked tom where john lived.

(6)i asked lucy, “are you watching tv?”

i asked lucy if she was watching tv .

7)he asked me, “do you h**e any *****?”

he asked me if i had any *****.

新牛津英语7Bunit8Reading 1 教案

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