
发布 2021-05-23 03:07:28 阅读 4420


1、一节体育课a pe lesson

2、在操场上in the playground

3、上一节体育课h**e a pe lesson4、发口令give orders

5、遵令follow the orders

6、站成一条线stand in a line7、做一些运动do some exercise

8、双脚并拢put your feet together 9、上下跳jump up and high10、十次ten times

11、仔细地听listen carefully

12、向左转turn left13、向右转turn right

14、这样做十次。do this ten times.

15、仰卧lie on

16、用、、、触摸touch …with

17、你的左腿your left leg

18、你的右手your right hand19、举起lift up

20、起立stand up

21、把双手放在头上put your hands on your head22、touch your toes with your fingers three times.用你的手指触**的脚趾。all right.

好的。23、can you put this pineapple on your head?你能把这个菠萝放你的头上吗?


1、一节体育课a pe lesson

2、在操场上in the playground

3、上一节体育课h**e a pe lesson4、发口令give orders

5、遵令follow the orders

6、站成一条线stand in a line7、做一些运动do some exercise

8、双脚并拢put your feet together 9、上下跳jump up and high10、十次ten times

11、仔细地听listen carefully

12、向左转turn left13、向右转turn right

14、这样做十次。do this ten times.

15、仰卧lie on

16、用、、、触摸touch …with

17、你的左腿your left leg

18、你的右手your right hand19、举起lift up

20、起立stand up

21、把双手放在头上put your hands on your head22、touch your toes with your fingers three times.用你的手指触**的脚趾。all right.

好的。23、can you put this pineapple on your head?你能把这个菠萝放你的头上吗?


1、一节体育课a pe lesson

2、在操场上in the playground

3、上一节体育课h**e a pe lesson4、发口令give orders

5、遵令follow the orders

6、站成一条线stand in a line7、做一些运动do some exercise

8、双脚并拢put your feet together 9、上下跳jump up and high10、十次ten times

11、仔细地听listen carefully

12、向左转turn left13、向右转turn right

14、这样做十次。do this ten times.

15、仰卧lie on

16、用、、、触摸touch …with

17、你的左腿your left leg

18、你的右手your right hand19、举起lift up

20、起立stand up

21、把双手放在头上put your hands on your head22、touch your toes with your fingers three times.用你的手指触**的脚趾。all right.

好的。23、can you put this pineapple on your head?你能把这个菠萝放你的头上吗?


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