牛津英语八年级 8A Unit 2语法讲解

发布 2021-05-14 07:17:28 阅读 5921

牛津英语八年级8aunit 2语法讲解。



more/ fewer/ less…than,这种句型中的more, fewer, less用语比较数量,后面加上名词。


i h**e more spare time than you.


who picked more apples on the farm yesterday, jim or jane?



he spends less money on clothes than i.



i got fewer points in the exam than you.


两者比较还有两外一种方式:即相似“the same as”和不同“be different from”。如:

his school is quite different from ours.

his school is not the same as ours.


如果对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较,则用“the +most+可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词”、“the fewest+可数名词的复数形式”句型和“the least+不可数名词”。如:

who has the fewest friends of the three?



shanghai is larger than any other city in china.



my classroom is bigger than yours.


形容词比较级前一般不用定冠词the,但是句中若有“of the two”这样的结构,即表示两者中“较……的一个”时,要加表示特指的定冠词the。如:

she is the more careful of the two.



the new building is one of the world’s tallest buildings.



1.一般疑问句 is there a post office near here?(↗

2.表示惊奇的省略句 really? (

升调一般用于 3.选择疑问句中or前面的第一个选择部分 are you english(↗)or chinese?


there is an erase(↗)a ruler(↗)a pen(↗)and a pencil.

1.陈述句 i like to wear school uniform?(↘

2.特殊疑问句 what’s your school life like? (

降调一般用于 3.选择疑问句中or后面的选择部分 are you english or chinese(↘)


there is an erase, a ruler, a pen, and a pencil(↘)


)1.——which is , the sun, the moon and the earth?

a. smallb. smaller c. smallestd. the smallest

) keep healthy, you should eat fast food and fresh vegetables.

a. fewer, fewer b. less, more c. fewer, mored. less, less

) little brother is of us two.

a. youngb. younger c. the youngerd. the youngest

)4. i h**e money than you, but i h**e friends than you.

a. more; more b. less; more c. fewer; more d. more; less

)5. lucy’s sports shoes are yours.

a. likeb. alikec. the samed. different

)6. chinese students h**e weeks in the summertime than american students.

a. more, on b. fewer, on c. more, off d. less, off

)7. beijing is larger than city in japan.

a. anyb. any other c. the otherd. another

)8. we can do the work better with money and people.

a. less, fewerb. fewer, less c. little, littled. few, few

)9. we should spend money doing things.

a. fewer, good b. fewer, better c. more, betterd. less, better

) my family, grandfather drinks milk, but tea.

a. the least, the mostb. the least, the least

c. the most, the mostd. the most, the less

) jeans are the same anna’s but different elsa’s.

a. as, asb. so, like c. as, fromd. like, as

) scored points in the exam.

a. mostb. the most c. leastd. the least

) air in beijing is getting much now than a few years ago.

a. cleanb. cleaner c. cleanestd. the cleanest

)14we are glad to see shanghai is developing(发展) these years than ever before.

a. quickly b. more quickly c. quickd. quicker

) lei did quite in the english competition. i did even .

a. better, well b. good, better c. well, betterd. well, good


1. jim is (short) of all the students.

2. there is (little)water in this glass than in that one.

3. shanghai is one of (big) cities in china.

books are too (expensive). do you h**e any (cheap)ones?

she came out of the hospital, she looked (health)than before.

h**e (many)weeks off in the summertime than you.

teacher is angry with sandy because he made (many)mistakes in his class.

think cycling is much (easy)than driving.

i saw you, i felt even (good).

house is different from (millie).



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