
发布 2021-05-23 10:12:28 阅读 6416

there be句型面面观,教师整理常考句型。

1)there be句型可以用于各种时态,谓语动词主要是be

as a result, there will be a great many new jobs for workers.因此,将有许多新的工作岗位给工人。

2)有时there be句型的谓语动词可以换成live(居住),lie(位于), come(传来), stand(矗立)等表示存在的动词。

there came shouts for help from the river.河里传来呼救声。

there lies a large wheat field in front of the house.房子前面有一大片麦田。

3)有些情态动词也可以用在there be句型中there must be some mistakes.一定是有些错误。there ought to be no trouble.


4)有时there be句型谓语动词可用seem to be/appearto be(似乎有);happen to be(碰巧有)等。there seems to be something wrong with it.好像出了什么问题。

5)there be句型的反义疑问句应于there搭配。

there are many trees in the village, aren’t there?村里有许多树,不是吗?

6)there be句型中若有多个主语,谓语常和最接近他的那个主语保持一致。



7)there be句型的独立主格结构是there being或thereto be

i don’t want there to be any more wars.我不想再有更多的战争。


there’s a car waiting outside.外面有辆车在外面等着。(9)某些常考固定句型:

there is no need for sb. to do sth.

there is no need for me to answer this question.我没有必要来回答这个问题。there is no hope of doing sth.

is no hope of replacing them.

一些储量已经到了穷尽的边缘,而且没有希望替换它们。there is no possibility to do sth.

there is no possibility to visit the factory, for the rain is sohe**y.

没有可能参观工厂了,因为雨下的很大。there is no doubtthat….

there is no doubt that grades h**e improved and interest ineducationhas revived.



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