
发布 2021-05-23 10:10:28 阅读 8244


第一类 greetings(打招呼,问候)

1. how are you?

2. how do you do?

3. how are you doing?/how’s it going? 你好吗?

4. how’s everything?

5. i’ve been looking forward to meeting you. 我一直盼望与你见面。

6. i h**e heard so much/ a lot about you.

7. glad/nice to meet/ see you!

8. it’s a small world! 世界真小!

9. fancy meeting you here! 想不到在这儿遇到你!

10. long time no see.

11. you look great today. 你今天看起来很好。

12. you look smart today. 你今天看上去真帅。

第二类 introduction(介绍)

13. i would like to introduce myself. i’m…

14. mary, let me introduce…

15. allow me to introduce…

16. may i h**e your name please? 可以告诉我你的名字吗?

17. john,may i introduce mary to you?

18. i’d like you to meet mary.

19. h**e you met each other before?

20. this is my friend john.

21. can i h**e your business card? 能给我一张你的名片吗?

22. here is my business card.

23. melinda,this is roger. roger, this is melinda.

24. sorry, i didn't catch your name. 抱歉,我没听清你的名字。

第三类 farewells(告别)

25. see you (later).

26. see you tomorrow/ next year!

27. so long.

28. hope to see you again sometime. 希望有机会再见到你。

29. i am afraid that i must bee le**ing. 恐怕我得走了。

30. i'm afraid i’d better say goodbye. 恐怕得说声再见了。

31. i am sorry but i h**e to go now. 对不起,我真的要走了。

32. i've got to go now. 我(有事)得走了。

33. h**e a pleasant journey./h**e a good trip. 祝你一路顺风。

34. take care of yourself, and don’t forget to keep in touch. 多保重,多联系。

35. i’ll keep you in my heart. 我会记住你的。

第四类 thanks(感谢)

36. many thanks.

37. thanks a lot.

38. you are most helpful. 你帮了我大忙。

39. i can never thank you enough. 不知道怎样感谢你。

40. thank you for all you’ve done for me. 谢谢你为我做的一切。

41. thanks for the trouble you h**e taken for me. 谢谢你,给你添麻烦了。

42. i appreciate your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。

43. i’m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感谢你的帮助。

44. i couldn’t h**e done it without you. 没有你的帮助,我不可能做到。

45. it’s very kind of you. 谢谢你的好意。

46. you’re one in a million. 你真是大好人。

第五类 apologies(道歉)

47. excuse me./i beg your pardon./forgive me.

48. i apologize to you for losing my temper/ hurting your feelings. 我因发火/伤你的感情向。

你道歉。49. please accept my heartfelt apology.

50. i feel really bad/sorry about…

51. i’m really sorry for not keeping my promise. 请原谅我的失约。

52. i’m not sure how to put it, but i’m sorry that i h**e done something wrong to you.


53. please don’t be angry.

54. i’ll never forgive myself.

55. will you ever forgive me?

56. how could i be so thoughtless? 我怎么会这么粗心呢?

57. it’s all my fault. 这都是我的错。

58. i didn't mean it. 我不是存心这么做的。

59. it’s stupid of me to think/do that. 我那么想/做真是太傻了。

第六类 invitations(邀请)

60. are you free/busy this evening?

61. would you like to join...

62. i’ll be happy if you can come to the…

63. i’d like to h**e dinner with you next tuesday.

64. i wonder if you two would like to come to…? 不知你二位是否愿意来……?

65. let’s go and h**e something. 咱们去吃点什么。

66. we should be delighted if you could…

67. would you be free to a concert on sunday?

68. what about going …?

69. why not join…?

70. why don’t you come on a holiday with us?

71. shall i call for you or will you come for me? 是我去你家,还是你来我家?

第七类 asking for permission(请求许可)

72. is it all right if i smoke here? 在这儿吸烟行吗?

73. do you mind my doing…?

74. would you mind my doing…?

75. can i possibly h**e the book for a moment? 这本书我能看一会儿吗?

76. do you h**e any objection to my doing…? 我做……你有任何异议吗?

77. am i allowed to make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?

78. would it be possible for me to put off the work till a later day? 我能把工作往后推一推吗?

79. i wonder whether i could take it away.

80. i’d like to make a phone call here, if you permit me.

81. i wonder if i could turn the cd player on. 不知我可否打开唱机?

第八类 wishes and congratulations(祝愿与祝贺)

82. wish you every success!

83. good luck to you.

84. wishing you good luck (forever).

85. wish you peace and happiness during the holidays. 祝你假期安逸舒心。

86. let me wish you the best of everything. 祝你万事如意。


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