
发布 2020-01-03 10:22:28 阅读 2874




money can't buy happiness.(钱不能买来快乐。)


not all her books h**e been as successful as this one.


tell li ping not to open the door.(告诉李萍别开门。)

not a soul was anywhere visible.(到处见不到一个人。)

(3)否定转移句型。在i think/believe/suppose/imagine 等引导宾语从句时,常把否定词提前。注意:


i don't think he has time to play with me.(我想他没有时间和我玩。)

i don't believe he will come tomorrow.(我认为他明天不会来。)

(4)部分否定句型。含有全体意义的代词all, both, everyone, everybody, everything等;全体意义的副词everywhere, always, altogether, entirely, wholly等,用于否定结构时表部分否定。

all the answers are not right.( not all the answers are right.)(并非所有的答案是对的。)

(5)完全否定句型。当句子**现no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等否定词时,表示全部否定。注意变换形式:

no= not a/an/any; none= not one/any; no one= not any one; nothing= not...anything; neither=not either; nowhere= not…anywhere; nor= not.. or.

none of his friends smoke.(=not any of his friends smoke.)(他的朋友都不抽烟。)

(6)补充否定句型。前面是否定句,后面再补充否定,此时常用nor/neither +v. +s(主语);much/still less+n/v/clause; to say nothing of/not to speak of/not to mention +n.

;let alone +n,/clause。

he didn't go there, neither/nor did i.(他没去那儿,我也没去。)

tom doesn't like music, much/still less dance.(汤姆不喜欢**,更不必说跳舞。)

the baby can't even walk, much less run.(这婴儿连走都不会,更不用说跑了。)


a bird can't fly without wings.(鸟没有翅膀不能飞。)


who can tell what will happen?(谁知道会发生什么?)(没人知道。)


only god knows!(只有天晓得。)(谁也不知道。)

as if i would do it!(好像我会做似的。)(我才不会。)


but for your coming, i should h**e been very lonely.(要不是你来了,我会很寂寞的。)

if only you had worked with greater care.(你要是工作更仔细一些就好了。)


what you say is foreign to the subject.(你说的与这个话题无关。)

i was completely in the dark concerning his plans.(关于他的计划,我完全不知。)

he is anything but a doctor, (它绝不是医生。)

the truth is quite other than what you think.(事实同你想的完全不同。)

the boy is too shy to speak at the public.(这男孩太胆小,不敢在公共场合说话。)

this is more than i can do.(这个我干不了。)

he is more br**e than wise.(他有勇无谋。)

he was wiser than to h**e done such a thing.(他不至于蠢得竟然做出这样的事情。)

you can no more swim than i can fly. (你不能游泳跟我不能飞行一样。)

a whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.(鲸是哺乳动物和马是哺乳动物一样。)

a whale is no more a fish than a horse is(鲸不是鱼就像马不是鱼一样。)

he is not so much a scholar as a writer.(与其说他是学者,不如说他是作家。)

in that case, there is nothing you can do other than wait.(那样的话,你除了等之外别无他法。)


① can/could not/never be…+ enough

you can't be careful enough(你越小心越好。)

you can never be careful enough.(=you cannot be too careful.)。你越小心越好。)

② can \could + not…too

a teacher cannot be too patient with his students.(教师对学生越耐心越好。)

③too...not to… he is too careful not to h**e noticed it.(他那么细心,不会没注意到这一点。)

④never too...to… it is never too old to learn(活到老,学到老。)

⑤not...for nothing

believe me, he did not fly into such a rage for nothing.(请相信我,他勃然大怒是有原因的。)

⑥ nothing if not he was nothing if not clever.(他很聪明。)

the situation is nothing if not fine.(形势好极了。)

⑦ nothing less than what he said was nothing less than a lie.(他说的纯属撒谎。).

⑧nothing buthe needs nothing but a few days' rest.(他只需要休息几天。)

⑨too…to结构不表否定。too后面加上形容词eager. easy,ready等意为very; too之前有only,all but,quite等也不含否定意思。

you are too ready to find fault with others.(你太爱挑别人的毛病。)

he is only too pleased to help you.(他非常乐意帮助你。)

we are quite too surprised to hear the news.(听到这个消息我们简直大吃一惊。)


i never go past my old school but i think of my head-master.


it never rains but it pours(不下则已,下则倾盆;事情总是接踵而来。)

no man is too old but he may learn(再老也能学习。)

it is not impossible but such a day may come.(这样的日子不是不可能到来的。)



are you going to play basketball with me?今天下午跟我去打篮球吗?


when do you usually get up in the morning?早上你经常什么时候起床?


he will le**e for shanghai tomorrow, won't he?他明天动身去上海,不是吗?

mrs. black doesn't believe her son is able to design a digital camera, does she?(布莱克女士不相信她儿子能设计出数码相机,是吗?

)they had to start very early, didn't theyhe used to live in paris, didn't he?


高考英语4种常考句型,看看你掌握了没?1 作主语。2 作宾语。3 作宾语补足语。4 作定语。5 作状语。6 用在how,when,where,what,which等之后。1 主语。2 谓语。3 表语。4 宾语。5 直接宾语和间接宾语。6 宾语补足语。7 定语。8 状语。第一种主语 连系动词 表语 s...


一 陈述句。1 there be句型。there be n 复 单 某处 某时表示某处有某物 there be sb doing 地点某人在做什么。there be no enough time to do sth 没 有 足够 时间去做某事的句型 there is no doubt that 句子...


29 no matter how adj adv 从句 无论怎样 no matter how cold it is outside the old man keeps running every morning 无论外面有多冷,老人仍然每天早晨坚持跑步 30 h e nothing to do wi...