英语四级顺利过关常考句型 9

发布 2021-05-23 10:13:28 阅读 5367


35. neither…nor…既不……,也不……(1)她既不高兴也不难过。she is neither happy nor sad.

(2)我既不喜欢物理也不喜欢数学。i like neither physics nor math.(3)他既不会跳舞,也不会唱歌。

he can neither dance nor sing.(4)老师和学生都不在教室。

neither the teacher nor the students are in the classroom.(5)他和我都不是老师。neither he nor i am a teacher.

36. not…at all根本不;一点也不(1)我一点都不喜欢足球。i don‘t like football at all.


the book is not interesting at all.(3)我一点也不想把笔记借给她。

i don‘t want to lend the notebook to him at all.(4)他根本不该再犯同样的错误。

he shouldn‘t make the same mistake at all.(5)他根本不知道怎么与别人相处。

he doesn‘t know how to get on with others at all.37. not only…but also…不但……而且……(1)他不仅是我的老师也是我的朋友。


he is not only my teacher,but also my friend.(2)她不仅喜欢学习好,而且与别人相处得好。

she not only studies well,but also gets on well with others.(3)他不仅对父母有礼貌,对邻居也有礼貌。

he is polite not only to his parents,but also to his neighbors.(4)读书不仅能帮助我们获得知识,还能使我们聪明。

readingcannotonlyhelpusgetknowledge,butalsomake ussmart.(5)不仅他想知道如何学好英语,我也想知道。

not only he but also i want to know how to study english well.38. not…until直到……才(1)她昨天晚上直到11点才睡觉。

she didn‘t go to bed until 11:00 last night.(2)他写完了作业才会回家。

he won‘t go back home until he finishes his homework.(3)直到做完作业,他才会被允许看电视。

he won‘t be allowed to watch tv until he finishes his homework.(4)直到雨停了,我们才能回家。

we can‘t go back home until it stops raining.(5)直到miss smith进来了,学生们才停止了说话。

the students didn‘t stop talking until miss smith came .


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