
发布 2020-01-08 10:32:28 阅读 4812


a. 机场场景。

送别: airway空中航线, airport, sad place, keep in touch, see sb. off.

询问: flight, fly; direct flight直飞, transfer转机; arrival, departure出发, destination目的地;one-way ticket单程票, return ticket, one-week return ticket;

first class头等舱, business class, economy class经济舱, regular class经济舱;

airline, airway, airport, air lounge候机大厅, waiting room候机大厅;book, be booked up客满, get ticket changed换签, switch换签;on time, delayed, postponed延期, put off, behind schedule延期, cancelled.登机: luggage行李, baggage, suitcase手提箱, briefcase公文包, bag, backpack;check-in登记, board上飞机, boarding pass登记证, air ticket, the customs海关。

机上: take off起飞, land着陆; fasten, seat belt, safety belt, life belt安全带; blanket毯子, drink.故障:

bad weather, mechanical problems机械故障。

b. 事故场景。

交通堵塞:be held in traffic, be stuck in traffic,车祸 break down抛锚;rush hours高峰时间, traffic jam交通堵塞, peak season高峰时间;事故后果:consequence结果, crash碰撞, minor injury小伤, slightly injured小伤。

c. 交通工具。

工具:car, van, truck, lorry, jeep, bus, coach, trailer拖车, limousine豪华轿车;

工具的一部分:wheel车轮, tyre(tire)轮胎, flat tyre(tire), steering wheel方向盘, headlight前灯, windscreen挡风玻璃, brake, pedal踏板, compartment车厢。

家庭生活。a. 写信: write home, hear from收信, receive a letter from, mail, email.

b. **: phone, call, ring, contact, hello, mobile phone, pay phone公用**, hand phone, rate费用, cost, cheap, operator接线员, dial拨号, wrong number, not in不在, nobody by that name没有这人。

c. 过节

节日:christmas, thanksgiving;出游: tr**el, tour, visit, quite an experience.

d. 送礼: 礼物: gift, present;场合:

birthday, christmas;赠送: give, buy…for, get…for, send, present.

健康场景。a. 受伤: twist扭伤, strain拉伤, injure, hurt;

b. 外伤部位: shoulder肩, ankle踝, knee膝, wrist手腕;

c. 内伤部位: stomach胃, liver肝脏, lung肺, heart;

d. 检查措施: make an appointment预约, check, x-ray, operation, treat手术, cure**, diagnose诊断;

e. 症状描述: tired, sneeze打喷嚏, running nose流鼻涕, h**e ringing in the ears耳鸣, feel under the weather中暑, catch a cold感冒, cough咳嗽;

f. 建议处方: ward病房, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast) food少油炸, quit(give up) smoking戒烟。

g. 相关人员: doctor, nurse, dentist牙医, surgeon外科大夫, physician内科大夫;

h. 医疗相关:radio doctor, car doctor, repairman, mechanic技工, engineer;

i. 诊断行为: fix, mend, repair, stop working, go wrong.

娱乐场景。a. 陶冶情操。

票务:ticket, fare费用;

观赏活动:film, movie, theatre电影院, concert**会, play, show, tv,art gallery艺廊;

相关词汇: channel, part, actor, actress, scene场面, act, oil painting, romance爱情片, love story, horror恐怖片, action, documentary纪录片, commentary注释, science, news, sports, comedy喜剧, soap opera肥皂剧, quiz show智力节目, sit-com(situation comedy)连续剧, thriller恐怖**;

参与活动: dance, disco, sing, karaoke卡拉ok.


出游:camping, picnicking野餐, boating, skating, swimming, visiting, historical sites历史遗址, natural beauty自然风光, scenery, tourist attraction游览胜地, sightseeing观光;

球赛:game, match, score, season, superstar.

用餐场景:a. 预定: a table for four, reserve a table, reservation预定, corner table;

b. 等待: hungry, starving饿死了, order, menu, waiting line排队, queue;

c. 用餐: try something italian, appetite胃口, appetizer开胃物, dessert餐后点心;

d. 埋单: treat埋单, my turn, on me记我账上, go dutch aa制;

学习场景。a. 选课:

course, day course, evening course, optional course选修课, literature, curriculum课程, extra curriculum;

b. 作业: report, essay评论, assignment, presentation陈述, *****, due期限, credit学分, rewrite重写;

c. 考试: mark, score, exam, fail, pass, go over, review;

d. 教授: lecture, topic, briefing简报, mission, take notes记笔记, follow;

e. 学生: freshman, sophomore二年级学生, junior低年级, senior高年级, graduation毕业典礼, graduate毕业, undergraduate肄业生。

买卖场景。a. 买卖租赁: on sale待售, for sale待售, for rent, let出租;

b. 廉价购买: bargain, sunday market, flea market跳蚤市场, garage sale跳蚤市场;

c. 买书:book, *****back平装本, hardcover精装本, edition版本, bestseller, copy, volume卷, magazine, issue出版, periodic周期的;

d. 买房: furniture家具, three-bedroom house, waiting room, living room, balcony阳台, bathroom, kitchen;

e. 其他: straw hat草帽, tv set, model;

f. 广告: advertise, advertisement, quote rate**;


申请: apply, application letter, resume履历;

寻觅: job-hunting求职, job opportunity, job vacancy; 求职。

面试: interview, interviewer考官, interviewee被考者;

跳槽: job hopping.

b. 办公室。

工作: forward email, typing, type writer, typist打字员, typing errors, xerox copy电子复印文件, arrange appointment(files), confirm arrangement预约;

出差: business trip, on behalf of代表, vacation假期;

雇佣关系:employment雇佣, employee雇员, director主任, boss, secretary, be with + 单位在什么单位工作(be with the local news*****).

公共生活。a. 银行:

account账目, loan贷款, interest利益, interest rate利率, cash现金, cheque支票, deposit保证金, withdraw收回, overdraft透支, exchange兑换;


1.学校场景。课程分类。optional course 选修课。required course 必修课。day course 白天的课。evening course 晚上的课。经常出现的科目或专业。chinese 中文。english 英语。mathematic 数学。history 历史。chem...


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