大学英语四级核心词汇 2

发布 2021-05-22 16:35:28 阅读 7667

31、urgent a.紧迫的;紧要的。

it’s not urgent, it can wait until tomorrow.

32、vivid a. (光线、色彩)鲜亮的,醒目的;逼真的。

the film star wears a vivid red hair.

33、similar a.相似的;类似的。

he was advised not to eat bread cake, and other similar foods.

34、artificial a.人工的;假的;矫揉造作的。

she welcomed me with an artificial smile.

35、advisable a.可取的;明智的。

it is advisable to wear a safety belt when you’re driving.

36、equivalent [i'kwivlnt] a.&n. (to)相等的;相同的;等同物;等价物。

changing his job is equivalent to firing him.

37、surround vt.围绕;包围。

the whole affair is surrounded by controversy ['kntr,v:si](n.争论、辩论).

38、wreck n.&vt.失事船只(残骸);破灭;(常被动态)使遇到海滩。

we were wrecked off the coast of africa.

39、assess vt.估价;评定。

he’s so lazy that it’s difficult to asses his ability.

40、annoy vt.使烦恼;打搅。

i was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting.

41、coordinate a.&vt.&n.并列的;等同的;协调;调节;坐标。

we used a computer to coordinate the marketing campaign.

42、abuse vt.&n.辱骂;滥用;刻薄的话;滥用;妄用;虐待。

i’m afraid the system is open to abuse.

43、scenery n.风景;景色;舞台;布景。

we passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey.

44、routine a.& n.惯常的;例行的;惯例;常规;例行公事。

she longed to escape from the old familiar routine.

45、minimum n .&a. 最小量;最低限度;最小数的;最低点的。

he smokes a minimum of ten cigarettes a day.

46、battery n.电池(组);电瓶;一组(器具等);炮兵连。

the car won’t start because the battery has lost all its power.

47、tame a.&vt 驯服的;由人驯养的;驯服。

only the tame horse can be ridden on.

48、progressive a.不断前进的;先进的;逐渐的。

this is a progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.

49、applicable a.适合的;适用的。

the rule is only applicable to uk citizens.

50、motivate v.促动;激发。

there is little to motivate these kids to work hard at school.

51、omit vt.省去;略去;忽略。

in writing this report i h**e omitted all unnecessary details.

52、refusal n.拒绝;谢绝。

my offer met with a polite refusal.

53、perspective n.视角;观点。

the new evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case.

54、series n.一系列;连续;丛书。

this is the latest in a series of proposals on arms limitation.

55、ribbon n.缎带;丝带。

she wore red ribbons in her hair.

56、purchase vt.&n.购买;购物;购得物。

the purchasing power of the dollar has declined.

57、vigorous a.将有力的;有活力的。

the minister made a vigorous defense of the government policies.

58、specific a.明确的;具体的。

she g**e us very specific instructions.

59、stable n.&a.马厮;畜舍;稳固的;安定的。

the ladder isn’t very stable.

60、responsible a.负有责任的;可靠的;需对(事、人)负责的。

who’s responsible for this terrible mess?


abundant a.丰富的 大量的。abuse vt.滥用 虐待 n.滥用。accelerate vt.使 加快 促进。accessory n.同谋,从犯 附件。accord vt.使一致 给予。accordance n.一致 和谐 授予accordingly ad.因此,所以 照着。accoun...

大学英语四级核心词汇 6

151 arouse vt.引起,机器 唤醒。his beh ior arouses much disagreement.152 circulate vt.vi.使 循环,使 流通 传播散布 到处走动。a lot of false information has been circulated.15...

大学英语四级核心词汇 10

a.相反的,颠倒的 倒车 颠倒 相反,倒档。the car reversed through the gate.vt.vi.n.使 腐败,使 腐败 衰落 腐朽 龋齿。sugar can decay the teeth.n.vi.vt.走近,接近 初次 接洽 靠近,入口 方法。the time is ...