大学英语四级核心词汇 10

发布 2021-05-25 06:12:28 阅读 6584

a. 相反的,颠倒的;倒车;颠倒;相反,倒档。

the car reversed through the gate.

vt. &vi. &n. (使)腐败,(使)腐败;衰落;腐朽;龋齿。

sugar can decay the teeth.

n. &vi. &vt. 走近,接近;(初次)接洽;靠近,入口;方法。

the time is approaching when we will h**e to le**e.

n. &vt. 对比,对照;差异,差别;使成对照,形成对照。

such a contrast between brother and sister is surprising.

a. 暂时的,短时间的。

they often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.

ad. 比较地,相对地。

comparatively speaking, these products are quite cheap.

a. 疼痛的,一触即痛的;嫩的;心肠软的,体贴的。

the wound is still very tender.

a. 效率高的。

she is a quick efficient worker.

a. 一贯的,始终如一的;一致的,符合的。

this statement is not consistent with what you said earlier.

a. 适当的,足够的,充分的;可以胜任的,尚可的。

the city’s water supply is no longer adequate.

vi. 合作,协作。

the british cooperated with the french in designing the satellite.

vt. 经历,遭受。

she’s undergoing treatment at the hospital.

vt. 改变,使转化,使改观。

a steam engine transforms heat into power.

vt. &vi. 不愿意做的,对```有顾虑;踌躇,迟疑(不决)

if you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.

vt. 系,拴;约束,使联系在一起;得分相同。

i tied with my friend for second place in the exams.

286.promote vt. 提升;升级;筹划;推销;促进,推动。

the young army officer was promoted to captain.

n. 事情,事件;事务,时局。

the minister is busy with important affairs of state.

n. (into) 询问,打听;调查。

we made some inquiries into her movements.

n. **,图表,一览图。

the book uses ****** diagrams to explain the rules of chess.

ad. 不管怎样。

they beautified the house regardless of cost.

a. (面积)巨大的,广阔的;大量的,巨额的。

the vast plains cover hundreds of miles.

a. 不感兴趣的,不在乎的;不关心的;平庸的。

his manner was cold and indifferent.

a. 亲密的,亲昵的;谙熟的;秘密的。

he is intimate with the president.

vt. 吸收;使全神贯注;并吞。

i was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear your call.

vi. &vt. (使)向前倒下。

these policies could plunge europe into a new war.

n. 意向,目的;作用,用途;决心,意志。

don’t waste your money; put it to some good purpose.

n. &vt. 样品,标本;试用产品;从```取样检查,体验。

the nurse took a sample of my blood.

n. 智力,聪明;情报,情报机构(人员)

use your intelligence!

vt. &n. 运输;交通(系统),运输工具;运输,运送。

the transport of goods by air is very expensive.

n. 球状体;(兴趣或活动的)范围,领域,界。

the earth is not a perfect sphere.


abundant a.丰富的 大量的。abuse vt.滥用 虐待 n.滥用。accelerate vt.使 加快 促进。accessory n.同谋,从犯 附件。accord vt.使一致 给予。accordance n.一致 和谐 授予accordingly ad.因此,所以 照着。accoun...

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