大学英语四级核心词汇 8

发布 2021-05-25 06:14:28 阅读 6428

211、appeal n.&vi.恳求,感染力,吸引力;上诉;哀求,呼吁;(提交)上诉。

they are appealing for funds to build a new church.

212、motive n.&a.动机,目的;提供动的,引发行动的。

what do you think his motives were in helping us?

213、status n.身份;社会地位,职位;情形,状况。

what’s her status in the organization?

214、prospect n.指望,展望;前景;很快可能发生的事;景象。

he is looking for a job with wonderful prospect.

215、application n.申请,申请书;应用;用途;专心;适用。

the new discovery has number of industrial application.

216、creative a.创造性的,有创造力的;独创的。

he is a very creative musician.

217、statistical a.统计数字的,统计学的。

there is no statistical evidence for his claim.

218. adapt vt.使适应,使适合。

he adapted an old car engine to fit his boat.

219. fade vi.褪去,变弱,枯萎;逐渐消失。

hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.

220. switch n.&vt.&vi.开关,骤变;(突然地)转换,改变;(用开关)转换。

wait until the lights h**e switched to green.

221. blast vt.&vi.&n.爆破;以炸药攻击;一股气流;**;气浪。

they’re blasting a tunnel through the mountain.

222. stimulate vt. 促进,刺激;激发,激励。

light stimulates plant growth.

223. release vt.&n.释放,放出;公开发表;释放,公布的消息。

the new trade figures h**e just been released.

224. approve vt.&vi.赞成,同意;批准,认可。

i don’t approve of smoking in bed.

225. convenient a.方便的,合宜的;附近的。

i’m afraid this isn’t a very convenient moment to see you.

226. tense a.&n.紧张的,焦虑的;僵直的,绷紧的;时态。

i was so tense the night before my exams that i couldn’t sleep.

227. approximate a.&vi.近似的,大概的;接近;近似。

this is just an approximate figure.

228. inferior a.(质量)次的,(较)差的,次于……的。

his work is inferior to mine.

vi. &vt. 包括,由……组成;组成,构成。

the united kingdom comprises england, scotland and northern ireland.

vi. 介入,干涉。

the sound of the radio upstairs interferes with my work.

vt.& vi.& n. (生气地长时间)争吵;对……表示怀疑;争端,纠纷。

the two sides disputed over the ownership of the territory.

vt. &vi. &n. 猛塞,把……插入;刺,戳;猛冲,刺戳;推进力。

he thrust the gun into his pocket.

vi. &vt. (使)裂开,(使)分开;均分;**。

the river splits into three smaller streams at this point.

vt. 辨认出,看(听)清楚;辨别,把……加以区别;使有别于。

small children can’t distinguish right from wrong.

vt. &n 转移,调动;转车;转录;转移,职位调动,转车。

at london we transferred from the train to a bus.

vt. &vi. 递送,传送;把……踢向;发表,宣布;给……接生。

letters are delivered every day.

n. 强烈的情感;**;激情;狂怒。

the poet expressed his burning passion for woman he loved.

n. 打算,意图,目的。

i had no intention of changing my mind.

n. 强烈的感情,情绪;激动,感动。

she described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion.

a. 值得注意的,十分不平常的。

finland is remarkable for the large number of its lakes.


abundant a.丰富的 大量的。abuse vt.滥用 虐待 n.滥用。accelerate vt.使 加快 促进。accessory n.同谋,从犯 附件。accord vt.使一致 给予。accordance n.一致 和谐 授予accordingly ad.因此,所以 照着。accoun...

大学英语四级核心词汇 2

31 urgent a.紧迫的 紧要的。it s not urgent,it can wait until tomorrow.32 vivid a.光线 色彩 鲜亮的,醒目的 逼真的。the film star wears a vivid red hair.33 similar a.相似的 类似的。...

大学英语四级核心词汇 6

151 arouse vt.引起,机器 唤醒。his beh ior arouses much disagreement.152 circulate vt.vi.使 循环,使 流通 传播散布 到处走动。a lot of false information has been circulated.15...