大学英语四级核心词汇 3

发布 2021-05-25 06:16:28 阅读 2987

61、original a.&n.最初的;独特新颖的;原件;原物;原著。

the original owner of the house was a frenchman.

62、instant a.&n.即刻发生的;即时的;(一般用单数)片刻;刹那。

i took an instant dislike to him.


63. highlight vt.&n.使显著;使注意力集中于;最精彩的部分(场面)

he g**e us several facts that highlight the need for change.

64. amuse vt.使开心;使发笑;给……提供娱乐。

his silly jokes amused the children.

65. classify vt.把……分级(分类);把……分为。

the scientists classify the animals into several types.

66. insert vt.插入;放入。

he inserted a key into the lock of the front door.

67. manufacture vt.&n.(尤指用机器大量)制造;制造。

this firm manufactures cars.

68. pitch vt.&n.扎(营);为……定音高;投,扔;球场;音调;程度。

this song is pitched too high for my voice.

69. journal n.(专业团体办的)定期刊物,杂志;日记,日志。

the british medical journal

70. comment n.&vt.评论;评注;vi.(-on)评论发表意见。

he made several unf**orable(a.不顺利的,令人不愉快的) comments about his boss.

71. neglect vt.&n.忽略,忽视;忽略,疏忽;被忽略的状况。

the garden has fallen into a state of neglect.

72. request n.&vt.要求;请求;需要。

they h**e made an urgent request for international aid.

73. ratio n.比例;比率。

the ratio of nurses to doctors in2:1.

74. hostile a.怀有敌意的;敌方的。

the prime minister was given a hostile reception.

75. peculiar a.奇怪的,异常的;特有的;n.特权、特殊财产。

this meat tastes peculiar. i hope it’s all right.

76、 convert vt.&vi .&n.(使)转变,转换;改变信仰;改变信仰者。

this sofa converts into a bed.

77、adopt vi.&vt.收养;采纳,采用;采取。

adopts a tough attitude to the terrorists.

78、resist vi.&vt.抵抗,对抗;不受……的损害;忍住。

he was charged with resisting arrest【n.逮捕,监禁】.

79、deny vt.否认,否定;拒绝给予,不准。

he was denied the chance of going to university.

80、incline vt.&n.影响;(使)倾向于;有……趋势;曲(身);斜坡,斜面。

her arguments incline me towards a different view of the matter.

81、maintain vt.维持;维修;保养;坚持主张;赡养;维持……的存在。

the railway lines h**e to be constantly maintained.

82、display vt.&n.陈列,展出;流露;显示;展览;表现;陈列品。

the goods were on display in the shop window.

83、inhabitant n.居民;栖居的动物。

this big city has 6 million inhabitants.

84、suburb n.郊区,近郊;城郊 suburb oxygen→urban dioxide

blackheath is a suburb of london.

85、awkward a.笨拙的;不便操作的;尴尬的,棘手的;不协作的。

they’ve been asking some very awkward questions.

86、marvelous a.奇妙的(不平常),非凡的,了不起的。

what marvelous weather.

87、outstanding a.杰出的,优秀的;未解决的。

he is an outstanding young musician.

88、conservative a.守旧的,不赶时髦的,谨慎的;n.保守者。

at a conservative estimate, the holiday will cost $300.

89、 postpone vt.使延期,推迟。

we postpone ****** a decision.

90、 revise vt.改变,修正,审(稿),修订,校订。

he revised the manuscript of his book.


abundant a.丰富的 大量的。abuse vt.滥用 虐待 n.滥用。accelerate vt.使 加快 促进。accessory n.同谋,从犯 附件。accord vt.使一致 给予。accordance n.一致 和谐 授予accordingly ad.因此,所以 照着。accoun...

大学英语四级核心词汇 2

31 urgent a.紧迫的 紧要的。it s not urgent,it can wait until tomorrow.32 vivid a.光线 色彩 鲜亮的,醒目的 逼真的。the film star wears a vivid red hair.33 similar a.相似的 类似的。...

大学英语四级核心词汇 6

151 arouse vt.引起,机器 唤醒。his beh ior arouses much disagreement.152 circulate vt.vi.使 循环,使 流通 传播散布 到处走动。a lot of false information has been circulated.15...