
发布 2021-05-22 16:32:28 阅读 6745

tired of,be tired with

be tired of表示“对某事感到厌烦,厌倦”。

i’m tired of standing in the wind,doing nothing.

be tired with表示“因为……而累了”。

she is tired with running a long time.


besides chocolate and fruit juice,we need bread and eggs.


every one of us,except him,went to the theatre for the twelfth for表示“整体……除了某一点以外”。

the essay is good except for a few mistakes.

sure to do,be sure of doing

be sure to do表示“一定的;必定的”,主语可为sb.或sth.。

we are sure to benefit from the new production.

be sure of doing表示“确信的;肯定的”,主语只能为sb.。

he is sure of offering you his help.


our room is bigger than theirs.


that little boy was given a huge piece of cake.


police discovered a large quantity of drugs in the van.

vast表示“范围、地域大、巨大的”。(也可指数目巨大的there are vast forest areas along the amazon river.


the rain beat against the windows.


he hit me with his hand.

strike表示“重击、打一下或若干下”。(指有规律的撞击the clock struck 12 when we arrived the church..

down,blow off,blow out

blow down表示“吹倒,刮倒”。

the strong winds yesterday blew down thousands of off表示“吹掉,炸掉,发泄”。

a gust of wind blew off all the *****s on the table.

blow out表示“吹熄,使熄灭”。

emma blew out the candle.

away from,break down,break into,break out,break away from表示“脱离,摆脱”。

some members broke away to form a new political party.

break down表示“(机器等出毛病、出故障”。

my car broke down on the way to work yesterday.

break into表示“破门而入”。

the office has been broken into twice since christmas.

break out表示“(火灾、战争、疾病、打斗突然爆发”。

a fight broke out among the crowd.

in,bring on,bring out

bring in表示“引来,引进,吸收”。

the new film has brought in millions of dollars.

bring on表示“使发生,引起”。

headaches are often brought on by stress.

bring out表示“取出,说出,阐明,出版,推出、生产出”。

they h**e just brought out a new,smaller phone.

about,care for,care to


i don’t care where you h**e been.

care about表示“关心,计较,在乎”,一般用于否定句。

he cares deeply about the environment.

care for表示“关心,照料,喜欢,愿意”,一般用于肯定句或疑问句。

who will care for your children when you are away?

care to表示“愿意,欲望”,后接动词原形。

would you care to join us for dinner?

away,carry off,carry on,carry out

carry away表示“使倾倒,使激动得失去控制”。

the music carried him away.

carry off表示“叼走,夺走”。

he carried off three gold medals in the olympics.

carry on表示“继续进行”。

the doctors h**e warned him but he just carried on drinking.

carry out表示“实施,遵守”。

he carried out his promise to give up smoking.


come about表示“发生”。

how did it come about?

come across表示“偶遇,碰到(=come upon”。

we’ve just come across an old friend we h**en’t seen for ages.

come along表示“进展,进步,进行”。

how’s your work coming along?

come around表示“拜访,改变观点,同意(原来反对的观点(或计划,发生、恢复知觉”。

i’m sure she’ll come around to our view eventually.

come down表示“传递,传给”。

the song comes down to us from the 20th century.

come into表示“开始,进入”。

a small town came into sight as we turned the last corner.

come out表示“(**上显露,结果是”。

the stars came out as soon as darkness fell.

come round表示“恢复知觉,苏醒过来”。

le**e him alone and he’ll soon come round.

come to表示“涉及,谈及”。

when it comes to business i know nothing.

come up表示“走进,接近,抬头,上来,上升”。

the issue of security came up at the meeting yesterday.

come up with表示“想出(计划、回答,作出(反应,产生”。

he couldn’t come up with a good scheme to make money.


this essay compares our country to a big family.

compare...with表示“把……与……相比”,侧重指两者间的区别。compare this story with that one,and you will find the differences between them.

doing,consider...to be

consider...as表示“把(某人看作”。today,abraham lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all american doing表示“考虑做某事”。

h**e you considered h**ing a jog in the morning?consider...to be表示“把……看作是”。

the people had considered him to be a great cross作动词用时,表示“横过”。they are crossing the 可作介词或副词,表示“横穿,横过”。the bank of china is across the 表示“横穿,交叉,十字路口,人行横道”。

those children are standing at a crossing waiting for their school down,cut in,cut off,cut up,cut through cut down表示“砍倒,(疾病等夺去生命”。that old man has cut this tree in表示“插嘴,插入”。don’t cut in when they h**e a off表示“切断”。

many towns had their water supply cut off because there was no up表示“切割开来,切碎,使难过”。

高中英语重点词汇 词组辨析

1.above all,after all,at all,in all above all 最重要,首先 after all 毕竟,终究,终归,到底 at all 根本 in all 总共 2.accept,receive accept 接受 有意识的。receive 收到 无意识的。3.add,a...


do sth.advise do sth.persuade do sth.表示 说服某人干某事 其结果是成功的。tom persuaded his father to let him go abroad at last.advise do sth.表示 劝说某人干某事 其结果可能是劳而无功。she ...


高中英语重点词汇 词组辨析。1.above all,after all,at all,in all above all表示 最重要,首先 常置于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。above all,we h e won the game.after all表示 毕竟,终究,终归,到底 在句中位置较灵...