
发布 2021-05-22 08:11:28 阅读 4691

八年级英语上册教案unit 7 section b2

课题:unit7 section b2




使用时间。知识目标:正确运用will you\he\she\they do…句型,并作出相应的回答。


教学重点,难点:掌握一般将来时的意义和用法。正确运用will you\he\she\they do…句型,并作。










they agree it may take hundreds of years.

hundreds of意思为后跟名词复数。当hundred表示具体数量时,不可以+s,也不可以和of连用。例如:400

练习:there are __books in our school library.

of2. for example, there are already robots working in be sb. /sth.

+doing sth.意思为练习:listen!

there is a girlsing)in the next room.3. that may not seem possible now,…

seem意思为其后可跟词或to do.练习:①她似乎病了。she

she看,机器人似乎动了。look! the robot三、当堂达标巩固案:

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. there are many newbuild) in our city.

2. we can do the work with __little) money and __few) people.3.

maybe he wants to goskate).


八年级英语上册教案unit 7 section b24. there arehundred) of people on the ground.5.

where do you think sally __work)ten years from now?

___be) back soon.


exciting party.

8. when i grow up, ibe) a famous pilot.9. they __h**e) a test in a week.

10. it is too late. i___agree) that we go there today.四、阶段性达标检测案单项填空。

)1.--can i talk to you for a minute, lucy?

---sure, i h**e __a few b. little c. few d.

a little() at those black clouds. it __rain. let's hurry.

a. must b. will c. would d. is going to

)3.__an english party in our school this evening.

a. there will be b. there is going to h**e c. there will h**ed. there is going h**e

)4. the boy __animals and he can jump __many animals.

a. likes; like b. like; like c. like d. likes; likes

) think people here are friendly. do you agree __me?

a. at b. in c. on d. for

often helps her mother _the housework, but she never gets

a. with; bored b. do; boring c. on; bored d. to do; boring

)7. my brother will be a doctor __two months.

a. atb. inc.

)8. it will be difficult for a robot __the same things __doing; likeb. do; fromc.

to do; asd. does; as()9. does the building h**e __rooms?

a. three hundreds of c. hundred of d.

three hundreds of

)10. mr. white thinks that robots won't __talk to people.

a. can b. able to c. be able to d. are able to



课题 unit2 section b2 课型主备。新授课。备课时间审核教师。使用教师姓名参与教师姓名。使用时间。教学目标 1 会认读 拼写本课的单词和短语 2 正确运用阅读技巧学习短文。3 教会重点句型。教学重点 1 会认读 拼写本课的单词和短语 2 掌握描写过去的事情。教学难点 生活实际与学习紧密...

八年级上英语Unit2教案 2

1 优质课 1 2011年6月 虹桥杯 优质课大赛获一等奖。2 2009年3月安阳市高中英语学科优质课贰等奖。3 2012年7月安阳市常态课赛课荣获优秀奖。2 辅导奖 1 2011年10月辅导学生获河南省 英语周报杯 技能大赛三等奖。2 2012年7月辅导学生获安阳市中学生英语 一等奖。3 2012...


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