
发布 2021-05-20 14:51:28 阅读 2513

unit 3 h**e you got enough money?



a 部分(let’s listen and say)一段以购物为内容的对话,易于让学生通过对话的形式掌握语言。

b部分(let’s learn)以**的方式列出了重点单词和短语,帮助学生理解课文。

c部分(about the story)通过回答问题检测学生对课文的理解。

d部分(let’s practise)让学生操练“too”和“enough”的用法,培养学生准确使用英语的能力。

e部分(let’s play a game)采用游戏的形式提高学生学习英语的积极性。

f部分(let’s look and write)让学生在书写的过程中进一步掌握所学知识,熟练掌握enough的用法。


1. 听、说、读新单词enough,sell,cover,bookstore,dictionary,dirtymark,useful,ofcourse.


3.掌握 “enough”和“too”的用法。

4.the students understand the past tense of the words: h**e-had, is-was,

get-got, need-needed










4.掌握 “enough”和“too”的用法。



logical memorial method of english words.

simulated -scene,

hearing methods,

communicative method.


period 1: 掌握新单词,初读课文。

period 2: parta,partb.

period 3: partc,partd,parte, partf.

unit 3 h**e you got enough money?

period 1

教学目标:1. the aim of knowledge :

master new words and phrases: a dictionary,bookstore, a dirty mark, useful, enough , cover ,of course

2. the aim of abilities : learn to master these words and expressions.

3. the aim of emotion :the students like to study english.


1. the students can use the words and phrases: a dictionary, bookstore, a dirty mark, useful, enough , cover ,of course.

2. the pronunciation of dictionary, dirty.

教学方法:reading. logical memorial method of english words.

教学准备:recorder, cards.


step 1、 warming up

1. greetings.

2. free talk.

3. game: gold finger.

step 2 、review

1. reading part a of unit 1 and unit 2.

2. recite the learned words and expressions.

step 3 、teaching new words.

1. read part a. understand it for the first time. find out new works and phrases.

the new words and phrase:

a. teaching the word: a dictionary [′diknri]

bring a dictionary. and ask the students: what’s this?

then answer: it’s a dictionary. the students pass the dictionary and read it one by one.

whose dictionary is this? that dictionary is mine.

b. teaching the word: bookstore.

book + store = bookstore

e. g. xinhua bookstore

c. teaching the phrase: a dirty mark

dirty [′d:ti]: covered or marked with dirt.

mark [mɑ:k]

are you able to wash out the dirty mark in her dress?

dirty movies; a dirty joke.

d. teaching the word: useful [′ju:sful]

use + ful = useful being of use or service

the dictionary is very useful.

e. teaching the word: enough [i′nf] very or quite; rather

do you h**e enough?

f. teaching the word: cover

it means screen here.

g. teaching the phrase: of course

may i use your book? of course.

step 4 practice

game 1. happy passing.

the student tells the word to the next one in a soft voice , then one by one. the last one speaks out the word loudly. who is right, who is the winner.

game 2. what’s missing?

find out the missed words.

game 3. quick response.

please look at my hands. and speak out the words and phrases quickly

step 5 exercises.

copy the words and phrases:

a dictionary, bookstore, a dirty mark, useful

step6 homework.

recite the words and phrases:

板书设计:unit 3 h**e you got enough money?

a dictionary [′diknri]

bookstore = book + store

a dirty mark

useful [′ju:sful]

useful = use + ful

coverof course

unit 3 h**e you got enough money?

period 2

教学目标:1. the aim of knowledge : master the drill: the usage of ‘enough’.

2. the students understand the past tense of the words: h**e-had, is-was, get-got, need-needed

3. the aim of abilities :understand and read part a.


1. the students read the dialogue fluently and use some sentences.

a. h**e you got enough money? b.

it was fifty yuan. c. can i look at that dictionary, please?

d. is it useful enough? .

e .it’s small enough. f.

it’s got a dirty mark.

2. write the correct form of the verbs.

教学方法:simulated -scene, hearing methods, communicative method.

教学准备:recorder, cards.


step 1 warming up

talk.step 2 presentation and drill

1. lead in part a.

****** situation. lead a student to be a customer, the teacher is a shop assistant. the student wants to buy a pen.


unit 3 seeing a doctor 文化和语言注释。1.本单元的话题是身体健康,学习常见病的名称和简单的就医用语。语法方面复习一般现在时和情态动词must。语音学习内容为字母组合ar,er,ir,or,ur的读音规则总复习。2.how are you,ben?本,你身体好吗?i m not...


unit 3 seeing a doctor 文化和语言注释。1.本单元的话题是身体健康,学习常见病的名称和简单的就医用语。语法方面复习一般现在时和情态动词must。语音学习内容为字母组合ar,er,ir,or,ur的读音规则总复习。2.how are you,ben?本,你身体好吗?i m not...

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