
发布 2021-05-20 10:27:28 阅读 4339

广州版小学英语五年级下unit 7教案。

一。单词。better, hers, large, more than, ours, thousand, international,bright, his, more, needn’t=need not, pupil, theirs

一. 短语。

thousand and eighty, to school by bus, beautiful,to, larger than…, to your home, a lot,at school, term, there, our school

二. 句型。

new school is larger than the old one.

you like to visit our new school?

yes,i’d love to.

there a library in your school?

yes,there is.

there a swimming poolin your school?

no,there isn’t.

there any trees in your school? yes,there are.

there three building in your new school? no,there aren’t.

it h**e more classrooms? no,it doesn’t.

8. does it h**e more teachers? yes,it does.

many students are there in your school?

there are eight hundred and forty-five.

eight hndred and forty-five.

三. 重难点。

1. 如何表达某人不必做某事——主语+needn’t——动词原形+其他。

如:so i needn’t go to school by bus.




2. 如何询问某人/某物有更多的……吗?——do/does……h**e more……?

如:does it h**e more buildings and more classrooms?

3. 新旧事物进行比较——主语+be动词+much+形容词比较级+than+the old one/ones.

如:the library and clinic are much bigger than the old ones.

4. 如何询问“你想要……吗?’—would you like to……?

如:would you like to visit our new school next friday?

would like 的用法:

would like 意为“愿意,想要”,其含义和want相同,因此would like to do sth.=want to do sth. ⑵would like无人称和数的变化。

⑶.would like后面有时可以直接接名词。如:

would you like some milk?

3. www。oh/ov。com/teach/student/shougong/同步练习。

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school do you study in?

your school big and beautiful?

300元以下□ 300~400元□ 400~500□ 500元以上。

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十字绣□ 编制类□ 银饰制品类□ 串珠首饰类□ many buildings are there in your school?

在调查中我们注意到大多数同学都比较注重工艺品的**,点面氛围及服务。 many classrooms are there in your school?


many pupils are there in your school?


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