
发布 2020-07-25 12:24:28 阅读 6159



一、选择填空。( 10 分)

) isitalian toy over there.

a. a c./

) trees on that mountain isthan those here.

most beautiful c. more beautiful

) sin beijing road on sundays than on weekdays.

a. crowdeder b. more crowded most crowded

) 4.--which county does he come from?

---he comes from canada,he speaks

a. english

) you like to h**e fun with us?

like. b. i would like. c. that ’s all right.

) are sofood on the table.

a. much c. lot

)7she going toa letter?

a. does, write write c. is, writing

) great wall.

a. going to b. go

)9.__you taking a photo of the famous building?



away 离开 ★ come to tea来喝茶。

bored 厌烦的 ★go away 走开。

go boating 去划船 ★go swimming 去游泳。

later 以后 ★match 比赛。

poor 可怜的 ★ won't=will not 将不。

circus 马戏团。


1. buy hamburgers for lunch 为午餐买汉堡。

2. come to a party来聚会。

3. come to tea来喝茶。

4. do nothing 无所事事。

5. get wet 淋湿了。

6. go boating 去划船。

7. go for a walk 散步。

8. go shopping 去购物。

9. go sightseeing去观光。

10. go swimming 去游泳。

11. go to the cinema去看电影。

12. go to the circus去看马戏。

13. look happy 看起来高兴。

14. maybe later迟些时候。

15. play computer games打电子游戏。

16. play football 踢足球。

17. see a film 看电影。

18. watch tv 看电视。


1. shall we go to see the film the lion king? 我们一起去看电影狮子王 ,好吗?

sorry, i’m busy later. 抱歉,我正忙呢。迟些时候吧。

ok./ all right. /sure. 可以。 /好吧。 /当然。



2go with us? 你(愿意 )

3. i我(现在无事可做 )

4. don’tgo outside. it is raining. we将会淋湿 )

5. he看起来不开心 )

6. jim喜(欢游泳 )。

7with me(你想和我一起去喝茶吗) ?

8. i感到无聊 )。

9. theynext monday 打(算去划船 ).


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