
发布 2020-08-11 22:41:28 阅读 9645


lianhua mountain 莲花山(莲峰观海)

yuexiu hill (the sunshine on yuexiu mountian)


xinghai park at luhu lake


yuntai garden



2、结构:主语+will\shall\be going to+v(动词原形)+其他。

例如: it is going to rain. 要下雨了。

we are going to h**e a meeting today. 今天我们准备开一个会。

tomorrow will be sunday. 明天就是星期天。

the rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。

i shall not go. 我不准备去了。

what shall we do for summer holiday?暑假我们做什么呢?


b. will 常简略为 'll,并与主语连写在一起,如:i'll,he'll,it'll,we'll,you'll,they'll。

c. 一般疑问句如用will you…?其简略答语须是yes,i will或 no,i won't;


常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周),from now no(从现在开始),in the future(将来),soon, in 2015, in two days(两天之后)等。

四种句式:1. be going to +动词原形。

1.肯定句主语+be(am /,is,/ are) going to +动词原形+其它。

my sister is going to learn english next year. 我姐姐准备明年学英语。

2.否定句主语+be(am / is / are)not going to +动词原形 +其它。

i am not going to(go to)the cinema tonight. 我今天晚上不打算去看电影。

3.一般疑问句 be (am / is / are)+主语+going to+动词原型+其它?

is your father going to play basketball with you ?no , he isn’t。你父亲打算和你去打篮球吗?不。

4.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词(wh-)+一般疑问句 ?

where are you going to spend spring fesital.? 春节你打算在哪过?

/shall +动词原形。



i (shall) write to him next week. 下周我将给他写信。

2.否定句主语 + will /shall+ not + 动词原形 +其它。

they won’t watch tv this evening。今天晚上他们不看电视。

3.一般疑问句 will/shall+主语 +动词原形+其它。

will you stay at home with us tomorrow ? 明天你和我们呆在家里好吗?

4.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词(wh-) 一般疑问句。

when will your father be back? 你爸爸什么时侯回来?

注意:be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。


1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。

ih**e a picnic with my friends.

ih**e a picnic with my friends.

2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

whatnext monday?

iplay basketball。 whatyou do next monday?

iplay basketball.


___your mothergo shopping thisyes, sheshebuy some fruit.

4. 你们打算什么时候见面。

what time __youmeet?


5. nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

nancygoing to go camping.

6. i‘ll go and join them.(改否定)

i __go __join them.

7. i’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)

to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?

8. we will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)

meet at the bus stop at 10:30 ?

9. she is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)

sheafter school?

10. my father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上going to see a play the day after tomorrow.


11. today is a sunny day. weh**e) a picnic this afternoon.

12. my brothergo) to shanghai next week.

13. tom oftengo) to school on foot. but today is rain。 hego) to school by bike.

14. what do you usually do at weekends? i usuallywatch) tv andcatch) insects?

15.it‘s friday today。 what __shedo) this weekend? shewatch) tv andcatch) insects.

16. whatd0) you do last sunday? ipick) apples on a farm.

whatdo) next sunday? imilk) cows.

17. maryvisit) her grandparents tomorrow.

18. liu taofly) kites in the playground yesterday.

19. d**idgive) a puppet show next monday.

20. iplan) for my study now.


) 1. therea meeting tomorrow afternoon.

a. will be going to b. will going to be

c. is going to be d. will go to be

) 2. charliehere next month.

a. isn’t working b. doesn’t working

c. isn’t going to working d. won’t work

) 3. hevery busy this week, hefree next week.


精品。六年级上册短语。unit 1 unit 4 on the farm 在农场上。be different to 与 不同。in the field在田 地里。be afraid to 害怕干某事。fruit trees 果树。at night 晚上。cut grass割草。pick some a...


unit1 show出示 给 看。change改变。dark暗的 黑暗的。far away from远离 close to 靠近 pillow枕头。grandma奶奶 外婆。comfortable舒适的 舒服的。try试。kung fu 功夫 武术。unit2album集。just仅仅 刚刚。hea...


unit1 show出示 给 看。change改变。dark暗的 黑暗的。far away from远离 close to 靠近 pillow枕头。grandma奶奶 外婆。comfortable舒适的 舒服的。try试。kung fu 功夫 武术。unit2album集。just仅仅 刚刚。hea...