
发布 2020-11-16 16:55:28 阅读 5429

module 1---module 3 复习:

一、短语。module 1 hobbies

play computergames 玩电脑游戏 play music 玩**collectstamps收集邮票,

keep pets饲养宠物makemodelships制作船模型read books读书,

take photos照相make cakes做蛋糕plant trees植树,grow flowers种花study plants研究植物listeningtomusic听**,playthepiano弹钢琴playchess下棋playbasketball打篮球,write stories写故事do some reading做些阅读, keep ducks and chickens养鸡养鸭,

draw cartoons画**…

module 2 abilities

read fast读得快jump high/far跳得高/远run fast跑得快,

sing well唱得好dance well跳舞跳得好, help children learn帮助孩子们学习 , grow food for people为人们种植食物get news for people为人们获取新闻

make machines for people为人们做机器。

module 3 daily life

want to talk talk with him 想和他谈话 at the swimming pool 在游泳池里。

go swimming 去游泳on weekdays 在工作日。

at the library 在图书馆find him 找到他 look for him 寻找他。

in the music room 在**室take exericse 参加锻炼 in the gym 在体育馆。

do one’s homework 做家庭作业in the classroom在教室里 eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋。

at the school shop 在学校的商店里 at the weekend在周末

wake up醒来h**e a big breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐。

on saturday在周六h**e a swimming lesson上一堂游泳课

go out for lunch出去吃午饭go to the the cinema去看电影

h**e some fun娱乐stay at home呆在家里。


module 1

1. what’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

2. do you like drawing? 你喜欢画画吗? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

drawing animals. 我喜欢画动物。

models. 我喜欢做模型。

5. iamgoodat swimming. 我擅长游泳。

6. my(f**ourite) hobbyiscolleting stamps. 我(最喜欢)的爱好是收集邮票。

7. keeping pets ismy (f**ourite)hobby. 养宠物是我(最喜欢)的爱好。

8. is your hobby keeping pets? 你的爱好是养宠物吗? yes, it’s / no, it isn’t.

9. what’s mike’s hobby? mike 的爱好是什么? his hobby is drawing。他的爱好是画画。

10. when does mike usually draw? mike 通常什么时候画画? he usually draws ….

11. what does mike give his friends for their birthday? mike 给他的朋友什么生日礼物?

12. what present does amy give to tom? amy 给tom 什么礼物?

13. what does she want to do when she grows up? 当她长大后她想做什么?

she wants to be a writer. 她想成为一名作家。

module 2

1. i can swim very fast. 我可以游得很快。

2. what can you do? 你可以做什么 i can…

3. can he run fast? 他跑得快吗? yes, he can. no, he can’t.

4. i’m good at drawing. 我擅长画画。

5. what are you good at? 你擅长什么?

1、can you do my homework? 你能做我的作业吗? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

2、who gives jiamin a present? 谁给力jiamin 礼物?

3、what will he do? 他将会做什么? he will become a clown. 他将会成为一个小丑。

4、who can help me? 谁能帮助我?

module 3

1. where is ben? ben 在**?

he is at the swimming pool. 他在游泳池里。

2. he never goes swimming on weekdays ?他从不在工作日去游泳。

3. does ben often go swimming? ben经常去游泳吗?

yes, he does.

4. let me go and look for him there?

ok. 好吧。

5. the chen family is always very busy at the weekend.陈家人在周末总是很忙。

6. after breakfast mrs chen usually goes to the market with mr chen.


7. their son jiamin always goes to the children’s palace on saturday.



module 1

1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事。

如:i like listening to music. 我喜欢听**。

2. my hobby is doing sth 我的爱好是……

如:my hobby is reading books. 我的爱好是看书。

3. more than… 多于…… 超过…… from 来自于。

如:ih**ecollectedmorethan3hundredstamps from 20 countries.

1. grow up 成长,长大 want to do… 想要做…

如:when lucy grows up she wants to be an english teacher.


2. very much 非常,很,十分。

如:mr. wu can play the piano very much. 吴先生很会弹钢琴。

3. begin to do sth 开始做某事。

如:he begins to learn english. 他开始学英语。

4. be in trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸,陷入困境。

如:whenyouare in trouble,theywillhelpyou.


module 2

1. be good at sth / doing sth 擅长某事,擅长做某事。

如:he is good at drawing. 他擅长画画。

2. let’s = let us

let sb do sth 让某人做某事。

如:let’s go swimming together. 让我们一起去游泳吧。

3. help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事。

如:who can help children learn? 谁能帮助学生学习呢?

4. hope to do sth 希望做某事。

如:i hope to see you again. 我希望再见到你。

6. praise 赞扬,赞美,表扬 praise for 因为…赞美。

如:he praised her for her courage. 他赞美她的勇敢。

7. be proud of 自豪,为。而骄傲。

如:i am proud of being an english teacher. 我为作为一名英语教师而感到骄傲。


授课教案。小学英语五年级 上 复习摘要。module 1 短语 go to workdo some readingsurf the netgo for a walktake exercise句型 to 动词原形。意为 想要做 肯定回答为 yes,i d like to.否定回答为 no,thank ...


2014年五年级上册英语复习资料 新广州版 2014年新广州版五年级上册英语复习资料。姓名 一 词汇。一 容器 量词 玻璃杯 glass 2.杯 cu瓶 bottl碟 pla罐 ca袋 bag盒 box 二 用具刀2.叉碗 bowl筷子 三 食物 foods 米饭2.汤 sou三文治 sandw汉堡...


广州五年级英语上册期末复习题 unit1 一 根据中文意思,默写单词。爱好 嗜好模型。收集邮票。更 更多比。多于国家。保持 饲养动物。每在 期间。二 根据中文意思,写出短语。1做轮船模型 2喜欢制作。3超过 20 艘轮船 4集邮。5养宠物6三只鸟。7玩 8每天。9读书10每天晚上。11玩电脑游戏 1...