
发布 2023-04-18 02:27:28 阅读 8096

广州五年级英语上册期末复习题 unit1







1做轮船模型 2喜欢制作。

3超过 20 艘轮船 4集邮。




11玩电脑游戏 12大约50个游戏。



) 1. i lovesome reading.

a. dob. doesc. doing

) 2. a: what are you doing? b

a. i take photosb. i’m taking photos c. i want to take photos

) 3is my uncle’s hobby.

a. runningb. runc. runs

) 4. a: what is your hobby? b

a. play footballb. to play football c. playing football

) 5. ding donglike a yellow ball.

a. lookb. looksc. looking

) 6. a: what’s on the stamp? b

a. it’s my hobby b. some flowers c. it’s from the usa


1. what is your father’s hobby?

2. do you like growing flowers?

3. what do you usually draw?

4. what do you want to be when you grow up?

5. does your mother like swimming?


a. ideab. reading c. beautiful d. write e. drawing f. grow

d**id: what are you doing, janet?

janet: i am 1books.

d**id: so, is reading books your hobby?

janet: right. i want to 2stories when i grow up. what about you?

d**id: 3people is my hobby. i want to be a painter when i 4up.

janet: i like drawing, too. but i usually draw 5places.

d**id: shall we draw together this saturday?

janet: good 6

广州五年级英语上册期末复习题 unit2




1一个伟大的画家 2画漫画。

3彩色铅笔 4他的宠物狗。

5给他的朋友们 6生日卡片。

7在他们的生日 8在天空中。

9有趣的人物 10在每个房间。

11美丽的风景 12在她的房子里。


) 1. jane’s hobby is

a. skipb. skipsc. skipping

) 2. a: is singing your father’s hobby? b

a. yes, he isb. yes, it isc. yes, she is

) 3. d**id is good at

a. skatingb. skatec. skates

) 4. a: what is lily’s mother’s hobby? b

a. she is swimming b. she is a nurse c. shopping

) 5. imany stamps, but amymany toys.

a. has, hasb. h**e, h**ec. h**e, has

) 6. toma birthday card for his mother on her birthday.

a. will draws b. will drawc. will drawing


1. my fatherwater) trees now.

2. kate likesdance) very much.

3. shebuy) a gift this weekend.

4. shall wedraw) cartoons this evening?

5. sometimes mikeplay) football with his friend.

6cook) is my grandma’s hobby.


hello, my name is mary. today is sunday. everyone in my family is very busy.

do you know why? let me tell you. today is my grandma’s birthday.

look, my father and my mother are cooking delicious (美味的) food for my grandma’s birthday now. cooking is their hobby. i like drawing, so i am drawing a picture and a birthday card for my grandma.

what is my sister doing? she is singing now. her hobby is singing.

she wants to sing a song for my grandma. i think grandma will be very happy today.


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