
发布 2023-04-18 02:40:28 阅读 8843



1. months月份2. drinks饮料3. week星期4. places场所5. directions方位。

二、单项选择。(20分)( 1. i love __in winter.

a. make a snowman b. ****** a snowman c.

makes a snowman( )2. my father __to work __taxi every goes…on b. go…by c.


) 3. they will __in shanghai __june __stay,from…to b. stay,from…on c.

stays,from…on( )4. summer is best for __a. swim b.

swimming c. swims

) 5. ican’tski. my friend jimcan’tskia. too b. either c. again

) 6. we are __a party tomorrow.

a. going to has b. go to h**e c.

going to h**e( )7youfree next sunday?a. will; are b.

will; bec. do; be


) 8. -would you like to visit the please. b.

sure, i'd love to. c. sorry, i wouldn't.

( 9. thanks a lot for __me __your invite; for b. invite; to c.

inviting; to( )10will you come back home?--i will come back home on may when b. what c.


) 11. the floor is c. in b. at c. for

) 13. turn right __the second crossinga. at b. on c. in

) 14. it is best time __flying tob. ofc.

for( )15. the __month is fifthb. five c.


三、根据意思,把句子补充完整。(25分)1. he打算) visit his uncle.

2. we are h**ing第二场考试) in the classroom.3.

all children are happy在这个特殊日子).4. don’t拿钱) from the strangers after school.


5. please come to my birthday party在6月1日).6.

they like在海滩上玩) in the summer.7. you may割伤你自己).

8. jiamin never comes to school乘地铁).9.

you must在第二个路口转左).10. do you like the多彩的春天).

四、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1. what are you going to do tomorrow?

2. what day is it today?

3. how does your father go to work?

4. when is your birthday?

5. is there a big street near your house?

五、选择恰当的句子把对话补充完整。(5分)a. can we play games on the grass?

b. how are you going to get there?c.

what time should i come back?


d. mike, what are you going to do this afternoon?e. can i go there by bus?

mummike:i’mgoing to play football with my friends in the school by bike.

mum: oh, be careful. you are just bikes in the

mum: yes, of course. butdon’ttake any things from the okmum:

no. you should be careful with the okmum: at half past all right.


make, flowers, kites, eat, fall, sweet, rainy, pick, lake, snows

dear mike,i’mhappy you are coming to china next year. now let me tell you somethings about the seasons in hangzhou.

spring is a nice __and warm. we can see beautif


ul __and green trees near the west lake. and we can fly __too.

in summer,it’salways sunny and hot. but i can __f**ourite. i usually swim in the __with my friends.

in fall,it’swindy and cool. the le**es __on the road. and we can __up fruits in the nature park.

i like cold in winter. sometimes itwhen it snows, we can play in the snow and __a snowman.

i love all the seasons. but spring is my f**ourite best time to come jack


tom and fred are students. they are both twelve years old, and they arein the same class in their school.

last friday afternoon they h**e a fight in class, and their teacher is veryangry. he says to both of them,“stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times. after the last lesson, all the other boys go home, but tom and fred stay in the classroom with their teacher.

they begin writing their names. the teacher looks at him and says,“whyare you crying,fred?”“becausehis name is tommy, and my name is very


very long. my name is frederickhollingsworth.”fred says.

判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“t”,错误的写“f”( 1. tom and fred are classmates.

)2. last friday fred and tom h**e a fight in class, and their teacher isvery happy.

)3. all the other boys go home after school.

)4. tom and fred do not go home. they stay in the classroom and write theirteacher’sname.

)5. fred begins crying, because becan’twrite his

mrs. jones was a teacher. her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning.

all the students in the school werevery young.

one cold and windy morning in october, mrs. jones walked to school. the cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of reached (到达)

the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.

it was nice, warm there and mrs. jones was happy. but then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说):

“don’t cry, mrs. jones. school isn’t very bad.



) 1. mrs. jones was a teacher and she usually went to school __a.

on foot b. by train c. by bus d.

by bike

) 2. _when she went to school one it was hotb. it was windy and cold

c. it was sunnyd. it was snowing

) 3. why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes ?a. because she was very cold.

b. because she was very sad.

the cold wind went into her because she was very happy.

) 4. the classroom wasa. cold b.

cool c. warm d. hot( )5.

the small boy wanted to __

a. make mrs. jones sadb. make mrs. jones happy


c. make mrs. jones angryd. laugh at (嘲笑) mrs. jones

八、写作。根据提示词写一写公园的安全规则。(5分)can: take a walk, take photos, play games, take a rest, fly kites…

can’t: climb trees, go swimming, walk on the grass, sleep on the beach…

in the park, you should be careful. you can talk a walk in the park. you can



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