
发布 2023-04-18 02:42:28 阅读 6847


一、 根据中文意思,补全句子:

1、 下周我们打算去北京,我们要去观光。

we going to beijing next week. i am going to go

2、 我们打算乘飞机去三亚,我们打算在酒店住。

we are going to sanya by , we are going to stay in a

3、 lily明天打算去拜访亲戚。

lily is going totomorrow.

4、 你打算明天去野餐吗?不,我打算去拍照。

are you going to h**e atomorrow? no, i am going to take .

5、 我有时坐地铁去上学,有时走路去上学。

sometimes i take a to school. sometimes i to school.

6、 ***通常开车去学校,但是今天他骑单车去学校。

mr. li drives a car to school. but today he a bike to school.

7、 tony总是乘公共汽车去学校,他从来不坐出租车去上学。

tony always a bus to school. hetakes a taxi to school.

8、 我喜欢的活动是滑雪,我一年去两次滑雪。

my f**orite activity isi goa

9、 peter 喜欢爬山,他一个月爬两次山。

peterhiking. he hiking twice a

10、 ben 多久打扫一次房间,他一周打扫一次。

how often does benhis room?

hehis rooma week.


1、 what are you going to do today

2、 are you going to h**e a party today

3、 what is your father going to do tomorrow

4、 where are you going this summer vacation

5、 how are you going to guangzhou

6、 where are you going to stay

7、 is your mother going to beijing by train

8、 how do you go to school

9、 how does tony go to school

10、 do you usually take a bus to school

11、 how does your mother go to work

12、 does your father go to work by car

13、 how does your father go to work

14、 what’s your f**orite activity

15、 how often do you go swimming

16、 how often does your mother go shopping

17、 how often do you clean up your room

18、 do you pack your schoolbag every day

19、 does your father comb his hair every day

20、 how often does your mother take out the trash


my plan

hello, i am lily. i am going to guangzhou with my mom. we are going there in july.

we are going by bus. we are going to stay in a hotel. we are going to go sightseeing, take photos and eat some good food.

we are going to be happy.


f**orite activity

hello. i’m lily. i am 10.

my f**orite activity is swimming. i go swimming about once a week.

lisa is my good friend. she likes hiking. she goes hiking about twice a month.

we are happy.


my good habits

hello, i am lily. i am 11. i h**e good habits.

i get up at 6:30 every day. i brush my teeth twice a day.

i wash my face twice a day. i clean up my room twice a week. i go to bed at 9:

00. i am happy.


hello, i am lily. i am 11. i always go to school by bus.

my father goes to work by car. my mother goes to work on foot. my sister goes to school by bike.

we are happy.


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