
发布 2021-05-20 09:38:28 阅读 1479

7a unit1 this is me!


everyone needs time to unwind. 人人都需要时间放松放松。

he knew everyone in the business. 他认识这家公司的每一个人。

eachthey each h**e their own personality. 他们每个人都有自己的个性。

each battery is in a separate compartment. 每个电池都放在独立的分格中。

born she was born in aberdeen. 她生于阿伯丁。

i was born with a sense of curiosity. 我天生好奇。

a newly born baby. 新生儿。

a long corridor. 长长的走廊。 long black hair. 长长的黑发。

the queue for tickets was long. 买票的队伍很长。

a hard mattress. 硬垫子。

rub the varnish down when it's hard. 等清漆硬了以后把它磨平。

5. wear

e,ghe was wearing a dark suit. 他穿着深色套装。

firemen wearing breathing apparatus. 戴着防毒面具的消防员。

i enjoy watching good films. 我喜欢看优秀影片。

7. helpful

people are friendly and helpful. 人们友好,乐于助人。

helpful staff. 有帮助的职员。

we find it very helpful to receive comments. 我们发现听听别人的评论大有裨益。

8. match

a boxing match. 拳击比赛。

the child's identical twin would be a perfect match for organ donation. 孩子的同胞孪生儿是器官捐献的最佳配对人。

9. win

the government is winning the battle against inflation. **正逐渐成功地抑制通货膨胀。

a determination to win. 取胜的决心。

sunderland won 2–1. 桑德兰队以2比1获胜。







如:he is kind. nancy lives in nanjing.


如:he isn't a student. nancy doesn't live in nanjing.

疑问句:is+主语+其他/does+主语+动词+其他如:is she your mother? does nancy live in najing?


肯定句:主语+am/are/动词原形+其他如:i am a boy. they like apples.

否定句:主语+am not/are not+其他/主语+don't+动词原形+其它。

如:they don't like apples. they are not friends.

疑:am/are+主语+其他do+主语+动词+其它如:do they like apples? are they good students?



1. 一只电子狗2. 我的主人。

3. 看书4. 早上好。

5. 如何照顾kitty6. 晚上好。

7. 遇到新朋友8. 晚安。

9. 北京阳光中学10. 他们第一堂英语课。


)1. this is a very interesting book with lots of new words. please __it carefully.

a. lookb. see c. look at d. read

)2. i really love sports. can you tell me how __like a good swimmer?

a. swims b. to swimming c. to swim d. swimming

)3. the teacher asks the students to write an article___the mid-autumn day.

a. in b. of c. about d. at

)4. please introduce yourselves __each other.

a. to b. with c. and d. about

)5. excuse __are __my new classmate?

a. me, you b. my, your c. i, you d. me, your

)6. let’s __each other.

a. make friends b. make friends to c. make friend with d. make friends with

)7my name is mark.

a. are you mark? b. what’s this in english c. hello, mark. d. what’s your name?

)8. what __your sister’s name?

a. are b. does c. is d. were

)9. —it’s time to go to bed, lily! —okmummy.

a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. good evening d. good night

)10. here is a bag. could you carry___for the old man?

a. it b. its c. it’s d. them


1. sandy and lucybe) in the same class.

2. do youknow) that girl?

3. danielwear) glasses every day.

4. millie oftenfly) a kite with her brother.

5. shenot like) comic books.

6. does simonwatch) tv on saturday?

7. —where does he h**e lunch?

— he alwaysh**e) lunch at school.


学习目标。学习掌握五个元音音标 aelig e i 1784 课堂学习。一 语言知识。四会内容。词组 fly kites play a game 二 要点点拨。1.what do you often dosunday morning?解答 此题选a.点评 表示 在上午 下午 晚上lsquo 时,一般...


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