
发布 2021-04-19 11:49:28 阅读 7410

7a unit1-6重要词组句型归纳。

unit 1

1. 如何照料你的电子狗how to look after your e-dog

2. 和…交朋友make friends with sb

3. 互相介绍自己introduce themselves to each other

4. (参加了) 阅读兴趣小组 be in the reading club / join the reading club

5. 出生在上海be born in shanghai

6. 非常喜欢like … very much/a lot

7. 有点儿喜欢ike … a little

8. 一点都不喜欢don’t like … at all

9. 喜欢做…,享受作某事的乐趣 enjoy sth/ doing sth

10. 擅长于…;在…方面很好 be good at sth/doing sth

11. millie的体育课的时间到了 it’s time for millie’s pe lesson.

12. 在羽毛球场上on the badminton court

13. 在排球场上on the volleyball court

14. 在网球场上on the tennis court

15. 在足球场上on/in the football field

16. 在游泳池里游泳swim in the swimming pool

17. 每天带着我的狗散步take my dog for a walk every day

18. 放学后踢足球play football after school

19. 放学后走回家walk home after school

20. 跑步跑半小时run for half an hour

21. 在公园里和我一起放风筝 fly a kite with me in the park

22. 喜欢阅读关于足球的书 like reading books about football

23. 为黄河足球队踢球/效力 play for huanghe football team

24. 擅长射门得分be good at scoring goals

25. 课堂上你英语讲得越多,你就学的越快

the more english you speak in class, the faster you will learn.

26. 练习说practice saying …

27. 知道如何用英语说某样东西 know how to say something in english

28. 对不起,这个用英语怎么说? excuse me. how do you say this/that in english?

29. 知道某事的答案know the answer to something

30. 看起来开心/听起来很棒 look happy / sound great

unit 2

1. 该吃早饭了/到了吃早饭的时间了 it’s time for breakfast=it’s time to h**e breakfast.

2. **睡觉/入睡go to bed / go to sleep

3. 不知道如何嬉戏/玩得开心 don’t know how to h**e fun

4. 作早操do morning/eye exercises(take exercise=do exercise)

5. 上课h**e lessons (h**e an art lesson)

6. 作课外活动do after-school activities

7. 吃午饭时at lunchtime

8. 坐在操场上的树下sit under the trees in the playground

9. 对…很好/有礼貌be nice / polite to sb.

10. 游泳兴趣小组的一名成员 a member of the swimming club

11. 玩得开心h**e fun = h**e a good time = enjoy oneself

12. 去参加阅读俱乐部go to the reading club

13. 一周一次/两次/三次/多少次 once / twice/ three times a week /how many times

14. 听收音机/老师讲/我们讲 listen to the radio / the teacher / us

15. 做模型飞机/纸花make model planes / ***** flowers

16. 看电视里转播的足球赛 watch football matches on tv

17. 看(太多)电视watch (too much) tv

18. 写信给…/受到…来信write to sb./ hear from sb.

19. 牵着狗走walk the dog / walk him

20. 看报纸/书/漫画书read news*****s / books / comic books

21. 遇见meet up (with sb.)

22. 去上她的舞蹈课go to her dancing lesson

23. 和他的朋友交谈talk with his friends = h**e a talk with his friends

24. 他没有许多时间和他的朋友交谈 she doesn’t h**e much time to talk with her

25. 在**里与她的爷爷交谈 talk with/to his grandfather on the phone

26. 教我们英语teach us english / maths…

27. 向某人问好/道别/道歉say hello / goodbye / sorry to sb

28. 开放时间the opening hours

29. 感谢你组织这次班级旅行 thank you for organizing the class trip.

30. 每位学生的票价是5元 the price for each student is ¥5.

31. …因为**太高了because the price is too high.

32. 动物园从早上7点一直开到下午5点the zoo is open from 7:30 to 5:00

33. 我们都在期待外出的那一天 we are all looking forward to a great day out.

34. 你觉得你的新学校这么样? what do you think of you new school?

35. 需要更多地操练need to practice it more

36. 为一天做好准备get ready for the day

37. 了解更多关于世界的知识 learn more about the world

38. 第二题的答案the answer to number two

unit 3

1. 打扮成鬼魂/美猴王dress up as a ghost / monkey king

2. 庆祝中国新年/圣诞节/中秋节。

celebrate chinese new year/christmas/mid-autumn festival

3. 举办一场特殊的聚会h**e a special party

4. 玩一个叫…的游戏play a game called “trick or treat”

5. 在人们的门上敲门knock on/at people’s doors

6. 拿一些糖果招待我们give us some candy as a treat (give sb sth as a treat)

7. 招待某人(我们give sb a treat / give us a treat

8. 对某人搞恶作剧play a trick/ tricks on sb

9. 穿着带有面具的特别的服装 wear special costumes with masks

10. 切出眼睛、鼻子和尖尖的牙齿 cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth

11. 在10月31日的晚上on the evening of october 31st

12. 举行一场聚会来庆祝圣诞节 h**e a party to celebrate christmas

13. 用南瓜做成(改做成)灯笼 make lanterns out of pumpkins

14. 让我们打扮起来let’s dress up.

15. 五一节/教师节/国庆节may day/teachers’ day/national day

16. 在圣诞节/中秋节的时候 at christmas/mid-autumn festival

17. 在吃早饭的时候at breakfast

18. 度一个长假/在度假/去度假/去北京度假。

h**e a long holiday/be on one’s holiday go on/for a holiday/go to beijing for a holiday

19. 这里是我每周所做的事 here is what i do every week.


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