
发布 2021-04-19 11:47:28 阅读 9189






7a unit 1 this is me. (强化:第三人称单数的概念及相应变化及be动词因不表示具体动作而可以提前)

r: 1. i am = i’m twelve years old.

2. millie is in class one, grade seven. →is she in class 2, grade 7?

3. i live in beijing. →does he live in donghai?

→he doesn’t live here. (从此时开始,就应不断强化一个观念:表示动作的动词不能提前,不能加n’t,只有助动词才有这些功能。

)4. i love reading. (love之后不能用read的原形形式,否则犯了“两行为动词原形连用”的大忌)

5. i often play football after school. (汉语说“我喜爱放学后踢足球”,“放学后”在动词前,而英语却是经常相反的。


6. he is good at math.

7. i h**e long hair. =my hair is long.

g: 8. i am happy. →i am not happy.

9. they are happy. →they are not happy.

→are they happy? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

10. she is happy. →she is not happy. →is she happy? yes, she is. /no, she isn’t.


i: 11. her hair is long.

12. she loves dancing. (love如果不加s,在形式上就和主语she不统一了,违背了“形合”这一英语的根本原则。)

13. she has short hair. (这里的has和上句loves一样,也以s结尾,但没有h**es这个词。)

14. she is good at swimming.

15. this is my new friend / classmate ….

16. glad to meet you. (这是一个重要的语言现象,到初三都在经常使用,其本质是形容词+动词不定式)

t: 17. i come from fangshan, but i live with my family in niushan.

18. i wear glasses.

19. i h**e some new friends and they are all very nice.

生词串:1. the cute e-dog is good at reading and dancing. (这只可爱的电子狗擅长阅读和跳舞。)

2. everyone in the classroom is glad. their hobby is swimming after school.


3. the glasses come from her classmate. he is a grade seven student.


7a unit 2 let’s play sports!

w: 20. do you like any sports?


19页中do you often play football?使用的就是该模型。)

21. i walk to … many times a day. (练习时,可改为:i walk to my school two times a day.等。)

22. what’s your f**orite sport?

23. i go swimming every week. (要能自如变成疑问句并回答,还要能变成否定句)

24. i often play football after school. what about you? (what about的用法)

r: 25. he comes from …,but now lives in ….第17条是原型)

26. he looks strong and plays football very well. (此处说“打得好”,这个“好”是描述动作的,不能用good。


27. he also enjoys listening to music.

28. it makes him happy. (要能自如变成疑问句并回答,还要能变成否定句)

29. i hope his dream comes true.

g: 只要学生能学会根据人称代词的不同变化句式并回答就行。而这部分能力的形成应依据reading中的重要句型,根本不必过grammar部分的教材,但要列出变三单的规则:



)第三类:以/s, t, /结尾时,+es。此时,不加es则会出现诸如/ss/之类不好发音的现象。


30. does he play tennis at / on (the ) weekends?

31. of course. (该用语使用不当容易冒犯人,比如:

你让老外帮你照相,他问你“shall i press this button?(我该按这个键吗?)”如果你回答“of course”,他就会不高兴,因为他感到你表达的是“连按这个键都不知道吗?


i: 32. daniel does not like sports very much, but he sometimes plays basketball.

33. what do you often do after school? (第一个do能放在主语之前,一定是助动词,帮助构成疑问句,但不能表示动作;第二个do表示动作,在现代英语中,表示动作的动词不能提前。


34. what else do you like to do? (else的用法一直到高考都是考查要点)

35. reading is fun. (reading出现在主语的位置上,在英语中,动词原形是不能做主语或宾语的,可以通过加ing的方式来解决这个问题,再如:

watching tv too much is bad for you.)

t: 36. we often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on tv.

37. yao ming is my f**orite basketball player.

38. when and where does he often play football?

7a unit 3 welcome to our school!

w: 39. which of the subjects do you like best?

40. what’s the date today?

41. the parents’ meeting begins at two o’clock in the afternoon. (注意复数所有格)

r: 42. let me show you around.

43. we’re in front of the classroom building.

44. there are eighteen classrooms in it.

45. your library looks modern.

46. who’s that man in a white shirt? (汉语说“那个穿白衬衣的男子”,英语的词序不同)

47. millie’s classroom is on the ground floor.

g: 英语代词有格的变化,这是“形合语言”的特点之一。“形合语言”的内在特点是其句子内部和句子之间的关系要通过词形的变化来实现,这和汉语完全不同,因而是学习难点。)

i: 48. it is a long way from my home to the school. (it表示距离的用法,该句和汉语词序不同)

49. it takes me about … to get to school.

50. she always gets to school at seven in the morning.

51. when is it open? (这个open是动词吗?)

52. there are all kinds of books in our library.

53. do you borrow books from the library?


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